🖤~Lucius Zogratis - Older Siblings ~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Fighting, Blood, Death, Mentions of Mental Abuse, Mental Manipulation, Murder, Attempted Murder, Sadism, Possessiveness, Emotional Manipulation, Greif, Revenge, Swearing, Threats

She glared up at him. Her breathing was laboured, she panted in and out hastily. Her eyes held an overwhelming amount of hatred. It was a look not many had ever seen, but this man... this man would always been the sole exception. Her sole hate. "I've finally found you... Lucius Zogratis" she growled lowly at him.

He looked back at her with a small look of surprise, before it morphed into a sadistic grin, mocking her from where he stood, "If it isn't my little kitten. Finally come to play with me, hm?" He knew he was coming off as condescending, that was his plan after all. Try and make her feel small, weak. She was far from it, so it was best to mentally manipulate her as best he could.

(Y/N) stood up, straightening out, still standing smaller than the black-haired male that stood before her. He was well over twenty centimetres taller, but she couldn't care less. She was here for a reason. After all these years, she'd found him.

"I have searched for you for seventeen and a half years. You damn coward, running from me. How dare you" her tone of voice was terrifying. Even someone who knew her and her kind personality would quiver with fear, "how dare you run away from the consequences of what you've done. How dare you try to run away from your sins!"

"Now, now, you don't want to draw attention to yourself, do you? I'd absolutely hate to quiet you down after so long. A time when I can finally have you for my own" his grin held nothing but a malicious intent. "You fucking bastard" she bared her teeth at him, as if she were ready to tear him limb from limb. She was.

"Don't look at me like that, my kitten. You've always been mine, you know that. You've always known that I'd have you in the end." His words struck memories in her that she had forced away. How foolish she was when she was younger, ever loving a man like him. "Besides, we both have so much in common! We're both older siblings, after all" his voice was a sickening fake cheer. His words were like ice, slippery. He knew everything her said was getting to her, he knew the effect it would have.

Older siblings. Those words slipping from his mouth made a tick mark appear on her face. "Older siblings?" the word came from her mouth, dripped with venom, "you have no right to call yourself that! None at all! No right whatsoever! You killed your own siblings! You killed my little brother! You are no older sibling!" She shouted at him, she was a pure angry being. Nothing could compare to the hate she felt.

"Don't be so mad. They were all just my pawns after all. Dante and Vanica were quite weak, so I knew they'd end up dead. It's a shame about Zenon though, he did have a smidge of talent within him. Not much, but still..." Lucius placed a hand under his chin as he gave her taunting looks. He pressed every button her could, edging within to break her from the inside out.

Without word, (Y/N) launched at him, a dagger in her hand, aiming for his throat. All Lucius did was step back, but (Y/N) followed his movements. She swung again. He dodged narrowly, causing the tip of the blade to graze his chin. As Lucius leaned forward, (Y/N) shoved her hand, open-palmed, straight into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He stumbled a few steps back. (Y/N) panted slightly, Lucius regained his footing, looking back at her.

"My, my, you've grown some. It's no wonder you're a former division commander. However, do you really think that your weak attacks will be enough to beat me?" Lucius edged on, "I'm quite stronger than you, my dear kitten."

"Strength is nothing in the face of sentiment" was all (Y/N) mumbled before launching back at Lucius again. Her hand slid past his face, missing it by inches. She turned on her heel quickly, attempting another slice. Then another. Then another, each one missing by a fraction.

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