🖤~ Licita - Curse - Part 1 ~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Mention of Death, Curses, Devils

You could see the familiar house easily as you approached. The stone walls with the firewood piled outside. The small garden around the side of the house. You breathed a sigh of relief as you approached. You always knew this place would be a safe haven. Getting closer you could see what looked like a devil child watering the flowers that grew there.

You stopped a few steps from the devil, not wishing to frighten him. You knelt down, "hello, do you know where I may find Licita?" The devils jumped out of terror calling out a familiar name, "Licita!" Licita heard his cry and came running out of the house. "Liebe! Liebe are you alright?!" Licita turned the corner of the house and froze. Her eyes fell on you making you smile, "hey Lich."

The devil boy took to his feet, running to Licita. "Licita who is she? You know her?" He hid behind Licita's leg, looking up at her. Licita hadn't taken her eyes of you. "Lich, are you okay?" You waved at her upon getting no response. "(Y/N)..." Licita gasped out. "Glad to see you still remember me. It has been a few years. With how you looked at me I was beginning to worry you might have forgotten me."

You went to take a step towards her, but she backed up quickly, "don't come near me, (Y/N)! I'll end up draining your mana and life force!" Licita's bright eyes shook. You knew about the curse that had been placed upon her, but it wasn't as if you cared. You had harmed the devil that did so, but you weren't able to kill them unfortunately. "Licita." You called out calmly. She shut her eyes tightly- you could already see the tears running down her face. It had broken her to shove you away.

You took more steps towards her- walking at a casual pace. "Licita. Look at me." She shook her head refusing to look at you. The boy stepped in front of her, "you leave Licita alone!" "I'm not going to hurt her or you" you stopped a few steps from him, looking down at him with a stern expression for the first time. The boy gulped, arms shaking.

You looked form the boy to Licita, "Licita, please." She looked up to you, her same-coloured eyes joining your own sceptically. "Your curse can't hurt me. I'm your older sister, nothing you do could ever possibly hurt me. Do you understand?" You stopped just short of her. "You know I'd never lie to you, Lich."

Tears bubbled in her eyes before she launched at you, throwing her arms around your neck. "I'm so glad you're here sis! I've missed you so much!" "I missed you too, Licita. More than you could ever know." You hugged the excited female back. "Wait" Licita pulled back from you, "how are the kids you were looking after? The last I heard; you were looking after him at that other boy. How are they?" You froze, your shoulders slowly dropping.

"What...?" Licita looked at you in shock. "He was killed..." your bottom lip shook, "by the Zogratis siblings. The siblings of that other boy I was looking after. I lost him too..." you looked down at your feet. Licita didn't say anything, just hugged you again. You were glad you had her.

"Licita...? Who is she?" The boy tugged on Licita's shirt. "Ah! Liebe this is your aunt, (Y/N)! (Y/N), this is your nephew Liebe! I adopted him as my son!" Licita grinned happily. You smiled softly, "I'm glad." You knelt down in front of Liebe, "it's nice to meet you, Liebe." Liebe slowly and reluctantly reached his hand out and shook yours. "If you ever need anything, just ask me. Okay?" "Okay..."

"Come on! Come on! I just made lunch! We can sit and talk! Come on!" Licita grabbed your arm and began to drag to the front-door of the house. You smiled to yourself. You could finally have a moment of peace now without fear.

But how long would that moment of peace last?

Words: 685 

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