💛🖤~Lucius Zogratis - Control~🖤💛

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Trigger Warnings: Control play, Pain, Deception, Lemon,  Shouting/Scolding, Domination

'Wizard King's Right Hand and Loyal Guard Dog' that's what everyone knew you as. You were the Wizard King's oh so loyal assistant. You held a higher rank than Marx, his advisor. If only they knew you'd had been loyal to him for far longer that 'Julius Novachrono' had been a person.

You walked towards the Wizard King's office with tea in hand. Upon growing closer you could mana growing unstable, along with the sound of Marx shouting. 'For goodness sake, sir' you mentally sighed at your boss' close-cutting behaviour.

You walked into the Wizard King's office. Marx was shouting at him angrily, while you could see the Wizard King rubbing his temples, his face looked almost pained. You walked up to Marx before bowing quickly before speaking, "please... allow me to handle the Wizard King, sir. You should take the rest of the evening off; you've been working quite hard." Marx stopped shouting, lowering the hand he pointed at Julius, and turning to you, "er, right. Have at it. He's even more of a pain today anyway" Marx grumbled. He left the room quickly after that.

You proceeded to immediately close all the curtains around the room, ensuring not a single person could see inside. After, you closed the door, locking it behind you. Not a single person could see into the room now, leaving just you and the Wizard King. You leaned against the locked doors.

Julius aggressively stood up from his seat, gripping the sides of his head. "What is this...!" he gripped his head tighter. "(Y/N)..." Julius called out; you didn't move an inch. Julius' body was suddenly covered in swirl like patterns, that died down quickly. It revealed Lucius Zogratis.

He took a moment before letting out a short sigh, "ah. You're timing is as perfect as usual... (Y/N), my dear." "Yes, sir" you bowed before walking up to the desk. You placed the tea down in front of where he stood, "your tea, sir. To help with any pain that may have occurred." You stepped back and bowed again.

"My dear (Y/N), always so thoughtful. You truly are a mesmerising person" Lucius grinned as he looked up at you. He went to sit back down but faulter, gripping at the desk to stabilize himself. "My lord...!" You rushed to his side, helping him to stand back up straight. "My lord, that transformation took a toll on you body. Please you must be careful, sir" you told him.

He leaned on you, resting. "Let's get you back to your room, sir" you warped both him and you back to his large room, appearing right beside the bed. He sat down quickly, knowing otherwise. You stood at his bedside, standing formally.

"If I may, sir...?" Lucius gave you a gesture to continue. "How long do you plan on staying out this time?" You inquired. He looked up at you with a smirk, "as long as I can. I need to spend some time with you after all. You've been so good to me" he grinned. "It is my job, sir" you told him, your tone flat.

"Well then, why don't you do your job?" He smirked, intentionally provoking her. "Is that a challenge, sir?" You cocked an eyebrow at him. "By all means, you can try, my dear" Lucius knew what he was doing. He knew what his actions would lead too.

You pushed him back onto the bed, his back hitting the mattress while you hovered over him. "You ought to be careful, sir. You know the extent of what my powers can do" your lips curved up into a smirk. Lucius just looked up at you, his smirk was still there.

You immediately went to his lips. Kissing him. Meanwhile, you gripped his robe and shirt. Warping them off of your boss without a second thought. Lucius pulled his head back to look at you, "oh? You have the guts to stand up to me like this?" You bit his bottom lip gently, "allow me to release the stress toll that resides on your body, sir."

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