🖤~Langris Vaude - Cherry Tarts~🖤

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Trigger Warning: Self-Hate, Sadness

"Mm! These are delicious!" David's eyes beamed with a sparkle. He struggled to keep all of the crumbs within his mouth as he chomped on the tart with a smile. "I must agree" Letoile nodded, taking another small bite. "Ho, they are indeed delectable" Hamon grabbed another from the large pile. "Leave some for the rest of us!" David shouted with a mouthful of food. Alecdora and Shiren snacked on their quietly while Yuno, Klaus and Mimosa did so from the other side of the room.

Everyone seemed happy. You lifted your head from the book you read and looked over them all with a smile. They were actually happy. You turned back to your book, curling in closer on the couch. "(Y/N)!" You looked up at the call of your name. David waved you over, more tarts in his hand, "you've got to try these!" You laughed at him, "no thank you, David. I already tried them." He pouted.

The door to the break room was pushed open, revealing the dishevelled vice-captain. Everyone's heads turned to him, looking his direction. David was the first to speak up, "Vice-captain! You've got to try these!" David beamed, holding a tart out to him.

"What the Hell are these?" Langris held the tart out in front of him, his face showing repulsion. "Cherry tarts! Someone made them and dropped them off to us! Isn't that kind?!" David was more than overexcited. "They are scrumptious" Hamon laughed.

Langris reluctantly lifted the tart to his mouth and took a bite. His eyes lit up no matter how much he tried to hide it. He just wanted to gobble the whole thing down straight. Instead, he turned on his heel and left without another word. "Someones in a bad mood" Yuno mumbled under his breath. "Aw well, more for me!" David picked up handfuls of tarts.

You couldn't help the pang of sadness that stabbed you in the gut. The disgusted look on his face. He showed no signs of happiness like everyone else. It was... heartbreaking to witness. He was just tired, your vice-captain isn't like that, you tried to reassure yourself.

Everyone panned out while you were spacing out. A hand on your shoulder was what snapped you from your daze. Looking up, you came face-to-face with your captain's soft smile, "captain!" "I hadn't meant to startle you. Please forgive me" he chuckled. "I'm sorry, sir." You looked down, avoiding his gaze.

He took a seat on the chair beside you. "You're supposed to be on break" he stated. You pretended to ignore his comment. "What are you still doing here?" Your eyes flickered over to him, starring at him for a moment before replying, "you know I have nowhere to go, Captain. You pulled me from the streets after my family threw me out with disgust because of my magic and my 'imperfect' appearance."

"You should know that's a lie by now. The way those distasteful people viewed you was their way of making themselves feel better. You shouldn't disregard your own appearance because of what someone else has said." He raised a hand to his face where his scar was. "You have talents that are unheard of and some that are. Whether you like your appearance or not."

"Sure." You averted your eyes again.

A quiet sigh blew through his lips, "what's on your mind? You're usually a lot bubblier than this." "It's nothing-" "I know you. So, don't go trying to lie to me, (Y/N)."

He was right. He knew you, probably better than you knew yourself. He saved you and took the time to get to know you, to help you recover. "You can tell me anything, you should know this." Again, he was right. You'd told him whenever you had a problem with anything, especially other knights.

"It's Vice-Captain Langris" you breathed out, looking down, shutting your book carefully. "Langris? What's he done now?" "Nothing important, don't worry." "Tell me now, please." William wasn't kidding. "He was just tired. He looked disgusted when David tried to hand him a tart." "Ah, I see."

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