🖤~Zogratis Siblings - Favourite Sibling~🖤

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Please forgive me...

Trigger Warnings: Bribery, Fear, Blame, Neglect, Insulting, Tragic Past, Death, Blood, Gore, Violence, Narcissism

Third Person

4 Years Old

Dante and Vanica were on their hands and knees at both of young, sleepy (Y/N)'s side. "(Y/N), I'll read you a book" Dante told her. "I'll play with you~" Vanica retaliated. "I'll get you a lollypop" Dante continued. "I'll give you two cookies~" Vanica retorted. "I'll let you play with my hair" Dante smirked. "I'll let you play with my hair~" Vanica whined.

Zenon walked into the large room. "Have either of you seen my-" Zenon cut himself off at the scene before him. "What the hell are you two doing?" Zenon glared at the pair, placing his hands on his hips. "We want to know which one of us (Y/N) loves more~!" Vanica exclaimed. Zenon face-palmed and just walked over to the table, ignoring the two and their antics.

"(N/N)~ I'll teach you how to kill people~" Vanica tried. "I'll take you outside so you can kill people" Dante countered. "Sooo? Who's your favourite?" They asked in union. (Y/N) turned her head and looked at each of them repeatedly.

She then opened her mouth, ready to say something. Dante and Vanica leaned in closer. "Zeno!" (Y/N) smiled as she held her arms out to him. Dante fell face-first into the wooden floor. "Ehhhh?!" Vanica gasped, leaning backwards to look at (Y/N) fully.

Zenon's footsteps stalked towards his two older siblings and his younger one. He stopped right in front of (Y/N), before leaning down, scooping her up in his arms and holding her close. (Y/N) wrapped her small arms around his neck and snuggled into him. "I'm trying to preserve as much of her innocence as possible. She won't be doing anything violent. Don't talk to her about you know what" Zenon told the two before beginning to walk away. "Zenon~!" The two called, their voices whiny.

Zenon shut the door on them and began walking away, down the hall. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Zenon inquired softly. (Y/N) nodded and gripped onto him tighter. Zenon couldn't help but smile softly. 'If there is one thing I'm going to do, it's protect you. You're more important to me than the Spade Kingdom' Zenon thought as he walked.

Zenon walked through the halls of the Spade Kingdom castle. The only sound echoing through the halls were Zenon's rhythmic footsteps. It was unusually quiet for once. Most of the Mage Defence Force soldiers had been sent out on missions.

A small group of soldiers passed by. A few snickers and whispers were heard among the group of mages. Zenon shot the group an icey, murderous glare that sent chills down their spines, causing them to shut up and continue on their way.

Zenon walked up on his room, which was beside (Y/N)'s. He walked into her room, shutting the door behind himself. He carried her over to her bed. Holding her with one arm, he pulled back her covers and laid her pillows down flat. He then placed the young girl down on her bed, pulling her covers over the top of her.

He squatted down in front of her, at the side of her bed. Her sleeping expression was soft and her lips were slightly parted. Zenon smiled softly at the young girl. Her swept a strand of her black hair back off of her face, tucking it behind her ear. "I can't believe either of them though that they were your favourite" Zenon mumbled under his breath.

He stood up and turning, beginning to leave the room. "... Zeno?" (Y/N)'s small voice called. Zenon immediately turned around, facing the half-asleep girl. "What is it?" Zenon inquired. "Will you please stay with me? The soldiers are mean" (Y/N) requested. "Of course" Zenon nodded.

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