🖤~Yuno Grinberryall - Repaying Kindness~🖤

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Trigger Warning: Abandonment, Anger, Violence, Bait, Kidnapping, Battles, Blood

"A baby?" You felt nothing but shock as you looked at the infant child in the bushes by your home. He wriggled as he cried. It was freezing outside in the morning fog. You snapped from your surprised daze and pulled the jacket from around your shoulders. You picked the baby up in its blankets and wrapped in in your own jacket. You held it close to your chest as you looked around. You could see a trail of blood that led away from the basket. You saw what happened. You knew what happened. And you weren't going to let a child like him suffer all alone.

You were then when Yuno spoke his first word. You watched his first steps. You had the loving privilege to watch as he grew. You lived off of Hage village and were great friends with the priest of the church there. You and he mutually helped each other when you could for the sake of the children. That's how Asta and Yuno met in the first place. You were the first to believe in their dream of becoming the Wizard King. You never gave up on either of them- always helping them where you could.

The first time Yuno ever saw you angry was when the drunk man had hurt him as well as Asta and taken his necklace. The man limped away in pain, cursing, and angrily muttering in agony. You had then carried Yuno and Asta back to the church on your own. The helping Sister Lily heal both Asta and himself. He never wanted to see you angry again. He knew that day why you were always so soft and kind.

The day he got his grimoire, you had punched Revchi in the jaw and broken his jaw for laying a hand on 'her boys.' You then shouted at the pained man for half an hour before he was dragged away in need of medical attention. Asta stood there terrified alongside Father Orsi and the Master of the Grimoire tower. Yuno stood their chuckling.

When Yuno joined the Magic Knights you were the first person he told. He had even cleared it with Captain Vangeance for you to come and visit him. Unlike most who shyed away and pretended their parents didn't exist, Yuno was very welcoming when he saw you arrive. Alecdora's biggest mistake was insulting Yuno in front of you that day. Yuno was fuming when Alecdora had insulted you, but you very quickly put him in his place.

When the elves attacked and you somehow ended up in the base of the Eye of the Midnight Sun after being kidnapped, Yuno was fuming. Patri had tried to use you as both bait and a bargaining chip. He threatened to tear you apart bit by bit in front of them. Yuno had beaten the living daylights out of Patri for ever laying a hand on you.

Then Yuno had to leave for the war in the Spade Kingdom. You waited. You waited patiently for his return, worrying. You were filled with fear, anticipating his return. You wanted him home. You wanted him safe. So, when you received a letter, everyone returned safely, you were more then relieved.

The most important thing you ever taught Yuno, was kindness. Having kindness and showing it. It was the only rule you had. And Yuno always remembered it.

"Mom. I'm home!" Yuno called out as he walked in the door. You stood up with a smile on your face, "welcome home, Yuno. I'm so glad to see you're alright. I heard you fought admirably in the Spade Kingdom." Yuno walked over to you and wrapped you in a hug; his long arms holding you tightly. You held him as close as you could. He wasn't that tiny baby in your arms anymore.

"So, you must be (Y/N) then..." You pulled back from Yuno to see another woman -slightly older than you- standing in the room behind Yuno. She was dressed quite regally. She looked just like Yuno- only her eyes were different, and she was shorter.

"May I inquire as to who you are?" You smiled at her softly. "Mom, this is Queen Ciel Grinberryall of the Spade Kingdom... My biological mother..." Yuno answered your question. You looked between the two in shock. Ciel nodded in agreement behind Yuno. So, this was it then. Your years of looking after Yuno were over. He was going home to his real family.

"I see. I'm glad you've found your real family Yuno. I always knew you would one day. And I was right... You truly are special, my darling..." You smiled up at him, hiding the tears that would soon appear in your eyes. "What...?" Yuno looked at you in shock, horrified in a way. "No- please!" Ciel's almost panicked shout made you look to her again.

Ciel held a hand to her chest as she looked at the ground. "I have no intention nor wish to ruin the relationship you have built with Yuno over the years. You are his real mother. You raised him and cared for him. You took in an abandoned child without a second thought. You raised him as your own. I only wish to be in Yuno's life- I don't want to ruin what you two have built... Please..." Ciel requested as she looked at you. You looked at her with wide (E/C) eyes. "Thank you for raising and looking after my son. Thank you."

Yuno took your hands and held them close to him, "you're my mom. You both are. I'm not going to pick one- I don't have to. You have been here for me forever. You were the first to believe in me and my dream. I'm not just going to leave you behind. I refuse to!" You could see Yuno's eyes gaining a glossy coat of tears. "Yuno..." Yuno pulled you to him and held you tighter than before, "don't make me chose, mom. Please."

"Yuno, I don't want to get in between the bond you should have with your mother." "You won't!" Both Ciel and Yuno told you without hesitation. "You really don't want me to leave?" You looked at Yuno. He shook his head. You turned to Ciel, "are you sure?" Ciel nodded intently without a hint of hesitation.

You hugged Yuno back tightly, "I'll never leave you, Yuno. I promise." "Thank you, Mom...."

"Why don't you come back to the Spade Kingdom with me. You can live in the castle. That way you'll be closer to Yuno!" Ciel offered happily. "No... That's too much, Queen Ciel. Thank you for the offer though." "I think it's a wonderful idea" Yuno agreed with Ciel. "Yuno. It's too much." "No, it isn't! You raised Yuno for me. You were here for him. It's the least I could do!" Ciel protested your protests. "Anyone with a heart would have seen such a child all alone and helped them. It's just human decency!" "Not all people are like you, (Y/N)..." 

"I-" "Then it's settled. You'll come home with me. Right?" "Yuno..." Yuno's amber eyes met your own, "mom, didn't you always tell me that it doesn't take much to show kindness? That's why you took me in. Because it doesn't take much. This is just all your kindness being slowly repaid. Please...?" You gave in, "...alright." "Thank you!" Yuno took your hand.

Words: 1240

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