36. Zack's wolf: Jed

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I let him hold me possessively and nuzzled his head on my neck hoping it will calm him down.

I know he is not bluffing when he said he wants to go back nag hunt Rohan. I had read in the novel how an Alpha wolf can get when he is jealous.

Jed was a strong impulsive wolf and Zack, likewise is a strong and a wise leader, though both of them have terrible temper issues. Them combined are a combination of lethal weapons.

They had made their pack well known after they took over Silvermoon pack. They are known as the most Ruthless, fearless and strong cold alpha, who kills without bathing an eye to whoever they think is a threat. Even alphas from other packs are afraid of them.

'Male lead perks huh.'

And knowing alpha's are ten times more possessive and territorial than other werewolves, I have to make amends first to save an innocent head.

"Listen to me Jed, and calm down. The guy was just someone I met a while ago. I don't even know his full name. I'm sure this will be the last time I'll be meeting that guy.. and you're right I shouldn't be hanging out this late even if I'm a shewolf, when I'm barely turned 18. I'm sorry... I was wrong." I pat his back gently.

" now.. now can you turn back Zack so we could talk?" I calmly plead.

I felt his embrace on my waist tightened. As I stood frozen with wide eyes opened in horror, when I felt sharp teeth grazing up to my neck down to my shoulder. I didnt realize Jed fangs were out. My two hands went up to his hard chest and tried to push his big figure.

"No! Jed! Dont do it!" I pleaded in alarm.

" If I marked you now youll be completely mine."

I shivered in fear when his warm breath blew on my skin after he spoke not leaving the spot where my mark supposedly was to be engraved.

" J-jed.. l-lets talk t-this out p-please?"

I pleaded again with a shaky voice while keep on pushing his body away from mine. He then growled and took a deep breath before I felt his fangs retracting as it was touching the skin on my neck.

I then let out a breath of relief when I felt his lips kissing my skin there.

"Don't make me angry again Ashia. I am not as patient as Zack. Listen to Kira."

it was still Jed, warning me with his deep, rumbling low growl. I shiver in fear, how can I totally forget that I am in a werewolf novel.

I maybe became a shewolf but I am still a normal human deep in my soul. A human in shewolf skin, surrounded by deadly monsters that can kill anyone at any time when they feel threatened.

I nodded in fear. I cant believe I was nearly marked by Jed without my consent, if that happens what would the story will become? What would happen to me and Ari?

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