41. the girl I fell for

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This was all part of my plan. I know how she was trying to distance herself from me from the beginning. Was it still from my past mistakes of rejecting her? I don't know, but whatever the reasons, I am determined to do everything I can, to take her back and make her fall for me.

And this is part of my big plan of seducing her which I noticed is very effective. She may appear irritated everytime by my presence but she cant deny the fact that she was attracted to me as I was to her.

The pull of mate bond on my part was stronger than her because of my alpha blood. But I know it was not all because of the pull. The more I tried to get to know her and be closer to her, the more I harbor deeper feelings for her.

The moment I kissed her that night still lingers on my mind. Her beautiful face, her soft skin, her warm breath and soft moans are making me crazy.

I like how she's the only girl who can talk back to me and glared at me. I think I became obsessed even more when every time I tried to get closer to her she would avoid me, but then stutter and stiffened when I touch her. I love every faces she makes when she is angry, perturbed, shocked, happy, shy.....every emotion and expressions in her face was now ingraved in my brain.

She was the hot and bright and beautiful nerdy girl that caught me. I had many flings before but never felt this much happy just by being near with her. She was not just a mate for me but the girl I fell for the first time.

I am so happy to see her again after those tormenting months, Im so glad I followed Ralp advices to come here. When I saw her last night, she became more beautiful after she loses some weight, not that I care, even if she is still chubby I would go crazy for her.

Then, I nearly killed someone, when I saw her near a human male who looked at her full with lust.

Not that I can't blame him, my mate looks hot as hell with her perfect curves, even if she decides to only wear a rug I doubt it would be able to hide those sexiness. And all I wanted to do that time as well as my wolf was to mark her and claim her mine.

' maybe I should have just let you mark her' I sighed talking to jed

' maybe.. then she would be ours by now.' jed said

'then She would be ours physically, but lose our chances to claim also her aloof heart.'

" Stop looking at me like that!" she frowned

"What? How do I look at you?" I asked innocently with one eyebrow raised.

"You are looking at me like you gonna swallow me whole.!"


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