43 the strong feelings

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I lazily laid my back on the soft couch it smelled like my mate, in fact the whole place was making me relax due to her lingering smell, everywhere.

I had assigned three warriors to look after her and they were all hidden among groups of people even at school.

I had them report for me everyday on what Ashia is doing. I know almost how her day goes from morning till night.

I had never heard of her bringing a friend at home. And the fact that there was no other smell in here except hers, was making my heart burst with happiness.

My lips shaped a smile as soon as I realized that I'm the first person she invited at her place. I can feel a tiny tingling sensation on the insides of my heart, which is drumming loud right now at the thoughts of my mate.

I shook my head with a more widened smile and placed a hand in my forehead, covering my forehead and eyes while the other one was clutching my fluttering heart.

I wanted to shout in joyfulness. And  laugh out loud crazily. Is this what it feels to have your crush, crush you back?

'Fuck! I'm the first person she invited in here! I'm going crazy.... I felt so fucking special!'

I said to myself  proudly as I sucked in  air to fill my lungs which is now hyperventilating in excitement.

I'm feeling a strong emotion that I can't describe. It was like a knot was twisting my heart, but it was so.. so pleasant that I couldn't help but smile. It was like everything became beautiful, even the slight dark cloudy clouds outside became perfect.

A shiver crept in my skin making those tiny hair on my arms stand up. Then I bit my lower lips proud at my self. Like I've had won a big achievement in life.

'correction you barged in!...Not invited.' jed contradicted

I can feel my wolf smirking at our link with his overwhelming happiness too...just by being near our mate.

' she gave me permission to stay! And That's the same jed!'

I said, still crazily smiling at myself like a silly teenager.

' i doubt it!'

He said with a laugh trying to annoy me. But my smile was endelible.

Nothing and no words can wipe the smile on my face. I'm very happy at this moment just thinking that my mate was in the other room, making my heart shiver in merriness.

I cant believe that I had beacome so in love with her, that just by being near her was making me this crazy. If she only knows.

What more if I already make her completely mine?

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