60. last sorcerer?

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Zack's Pov

I look at the dark forest from the back seat of the car, with creases on my forehead. I am on my way back to my packs territory. I was away for two weeks to attend a compulsory meeting for all the alphas in the land.

The growing numbers of the rogues are becoming a pain in the ass in certain areas. They had built an army to destroy every pack  they reached.

I still can't believe they were able to build an army over the years that can surpass the number of small territories.

The rogues should have been wild, untamable and unable to form a new pack after being packed less for a few months, unless they have strong will. But according to the previous information gathered, they are led by a half werewolf and half sorcerer.

A sorcerer, many alphas dont want to believe there is one that still exist. Sure it was written in the  werewolf history before, that sorcerers do really exist. In fact in the history of werewolves, it says there that sorcerers plays a significant role as to why we exist.

Still whether it's true or not that the last sorcerer was the one leading the army of rogues, we had to be careful and help each other's packs in this time of crisis. We must know the exact information regarding the rogue army before it reaches our land.

I breath out, and massage my temple, how can this things happen. I was already pissed that the meeting was held during my mates graduation in college. I was so guilty that I was not able to make it, but at the same time relief flooded my system knowing that my Love was finally back inside the pack. Our pack.

The deal we had four years ago had finally come to an end, and that thought made me my wolf purred in delight. I can finally have my luna back.

I can say my relationship with Ashia had become much better during those whole 4 years.. I've been coming back and forth to our territory and to her place almost every month during those years, to pester her.

At first she was really annoyed but by the time passes she had become accustomed to my presence. My wolf got excited thinking about our mate. We had not seen her for a month.

"How I miss her so much" I whisper looking at the car window.

Authors PoV

Sorry for making u all wait.. Just got home from out of town vacay😘

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