72. mated officially

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Zack's PoV

I reached out to turn off my cellphone alarm. It was 4am in the morning, I was supposed to be preparing for my morning training routine, but I was here, still lying naked on our big couch, holding the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life on my arms.

My heart beats still raging reminiscing all our heated mating yesterday. It started in the morning after her training, till dusk which lasted the whole night until dawn. We didn't even get to eat lunch and dinner.

I smirk thinking How Jed and I took turns and took her over and over, well Kira and her took turns too. My shaft was still alive wanting more but my mate was already drained, Even with a werewolf strength we were still able to make her so exhausted.

I chuckled as I remembered the bed where we spent the whole heated night gave in, breaking in two. Now we need a more sturdy one.

Ashia, fell asleep in my arms just an hour ago naked, and here I am didn't even get a wink of sleep. Still overwhelmed looking at her sleeping.

'finally she's ours!' Jed howl in happiness

' She is officially our Luna.. She accepted us I can't believe it Jed! I'm so happy. I've never been this happy in my whole life.'

I was so nervous proposing to her I was so prepared to be rejected but swear on the moon Goddess even if I was, I will not stop wooing her. But oH God she accepted. And now we are mated officially.

I touched the mark on her neck, our beautiful mark embedded on her skin beautifully.

For hours I was lost intrance of her beauty. I didn't even notice that the sun was already up in the sky behind our thick blind curtain.

I was back in reality when my beta, Ralp went into our link. I look at the time in my phones it says 11:05 am.

" Alpha, is everything went good?" Ralp asked slightly worried

I chuckled, he knows I was about to propose to Ashia yesterday, He helped a lot on the preparation, and makes sure nobody would disturbed us.

" More than okay Ralp.. very Okay.."

He seemed to to took a breath of relief.
"Did she---"

" We did, we finally have our Luna prepare a feast tonight I will announce our Luna." I proudly said through our link.

"Fuck! Congratulations man! I mean alpha.."

I can feel the happiness in him was genuine. And I know our pack members will be delighted to know that Ashia and I had already mated. They had been waiting for a Luna for too long. Being in a pack with no Luna feels incomplete, they are all bound to feel somehow empty without a Luna to guide them like, childrens without a mothers.

" Thanks man. Thank you."

I instructed him a little more about patrols and the feast preparations, after I told him to instruct someone to bring food on our pad we said goodbyes on our link

And now I was back at savoring our little moment with my sleeping beautiful lady.
Author Pov:

Sorry for the late update.. I was entrance reading a book.🤭 Which is so interesting. i can't seem to get enough, not until I was able to finish it.. to those avid readers over there...☺️👋 you know what I feel right!

Hit like!♥️

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