1. What's the name of the book?

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Date: 05/03/2035
Place: The Cafeteria in Shensai highschool
Time: 6 PM

Heavy rain drops collided with the thick glass window making a clapping sound. The atmosphere turned cold and filled with noises of rain as well as chatterings of students.

Behind a group of noisy girls, a tomboyish girl sat down on a chair all alone. There were goosebumps on her arms so she tightened the blue coat around her skinny body while rubbing her palms together.

"Do you know what I read yesterday?" She could hear one of the girls utter loudly.

"Lemme guess. Mmm... 'Yandere Male lead, Please let me go'?" A girl with reddish brown hair answered.

"How do you know?" The first girl asked in disbelief.

"It's the most popular romance webnovel these days. It even won the first price of WSA. So it wasn't that hard to guess."

"Smart. And of course, you are correct."

"I also finished reading it." Another girl with spectacles happily joined in.

The tomboy girl didn't want to pay attention to what they were talking. But they talked too loudly so she didn't have a choice but to listen to the entire conversation unwillingly.

It was annoying and torturing. She was never a fan of romance novels. She even hated the Idea of romance. She never believed in the word called, 'Love'. Simply, to her, it was nothing but a stupid concept.

Her belief in marriage was as long as a person could adjust to live with another person for years, then that was enough. Why the need to seek love? A marriage with a suitable partner was what she thought of more mature. Only naive and stupid people would do anything for love and marry for love.

'Does it even exist?' Sometimes, she wondered.

She knew that as a highschool teenager, she was expected to act naive. But how could she do that? She couldn't pretend.

She knew her mindset was more similar to a middle aged auntie nevertheless, she couldn't help thinking like that. In short, she was mature compared to the girls around her age. Worst part was, she didn't know that whether it was a blessing or a curse.

She never dated anyone. She only paid attention to her studies and she didn't regret it.

Who would waste their time on useless things?

"Minosha, what do you think?" A sudden question broke her reverie.

"What?" The tomboy girl blurted out. "I couldn't hear you."

"I asked you about the villainess. Do you think she deserved her punishment or not?" The reddish brown hair girl repeated.

"Villainess? But... I didn't read that novel. So I have no idea," Minosha truthfully answered.

"Gosh girl!" The nerdy girl shook her head in disappointment. "You must read it. Or else what are you living for?"

"Yep. She doesn't even have a boyfriend. I think she is aromantic." Someone chimed in.

"That's a pity."

"Hey, did you guys notice it? The villainess's name is kinda similar to our Minosha's name right?"

"Princess Mimosa, Minosha... Yep. Wow! That's true."

"But they are completely different though."

The girls continued to talk about the villainess. This time, Minosha actually did pay attention to the talk since the villainess had somehow a similar name to hers. Thus she became curious to know what happened to her in the story.

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