79. Imma kill you two!

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"You are late." It was the first thing came to Gronald's mouth when he saw Evelyn walking nope, running towards him with her uncomfortable dress and high heels.

When she heard him, Evelyn released her hold on the long dress and glared at him, huffing loudly. "I was having my lunch. Wait! Did you have yours?"

Gronald's eyes lit up at her question. "You... You care for me?"

"Oh god!" Evelyn rolled her eyes hard. "As I told you before, you're so delusional. Don't you know something called humanity? I asked you purely out of kindness, okay?"

"Hmm." Gronald lowered his eyes, not feeling too happy about her words although he knew that she was telling the truth.

"Why did you want to go on a date with me? And since you are a shadow knight, don't you have to keep an eye on the prince?" Evelyn bombarded him with questions.

Gronald felt his mouth twitch at her words. "What? Keep an eye? Anyways, it's Suzamine's duty time now. If there's a problem, with this whistle, I can learn about it real quick." He showed her a silver whistle that tied onto his neck with the help of a silver necklace.

"Oh." Evelyn nodded her head.

"If you don't mind, can we walk instead of taking a carriage?" Gronald asked hesitantly, afraid of her refusing it.

"Why? You can't afford it?" Evelyn ridiculed him mercilessly. "Don't worry. I have a few coins as well as a private carriage on my own."

"No, I didn't mean it like that." Gronald felt frustrated. He didn't know why she was acting all difficult, always. What did he do wrong?

"It's good to take a stroll, isn't it?" He mumbled in a low voice. 'Hand in hand,' His mind added but of course, he wouldn't dare to say that part.

"It's a good exercise as wel.."

Evelyn interrupted him, "Stop already."

She let out a big yawn. "Old man, you're so boring."

Gronald felt hurt. He forced a smile, thinking of brushing it off. He wasn't a teenager unlike her. Hence, he knew it was meaningless to argue over childish things like that.

"I'm sorry," He could only say. "I'll try my best to entertain you, milady."

As they talked, they came out of the school gates and now were walking along the road, reaching the town soon.

Although they talked about general stuff, Evelyn's face was a pure evidence of lack of interest regarding their date. Her drooping eyelids glued to the ground as she walked. If she wasn't walking, she would have already drifted off to sleep by now.

Her past boyfriends never failed to entertain her. Especially her ex boyfriend. She couldn't break up with her second boyfriend properly so she didn't consider him as an ex. She was reluctant to break up with her first one because he was just too funny. But it was also the reason for their break up. Hours flew like a flash when she spent time with him, laughing and giggling to his never ending jokes.

In the end, she was left with tons of assignments to complete that her head was at the verge of exploding.

As a result, she quickly demanded for a break up. Her boyfriend, no, ex boyfriend requested her to at least remain as friends with him which she swiftly rejected. Boyfriend or friend, he would still waste her time in the end!

Gronald stopped walking when they came to a dessert shop. He opened the door for Evelyn to enter. Evelyn looked at him questioningly but since he didn't plan to tell anything and just continued to hold the door for her, she could only shake her head and step inside with a puzzled look on her face. She wasn't into desserts that much. Eating desserts completely dependened on her mood. Right now, she didn't feel like eating sweets. Hence she realized that he didn't know anything about her. Or else, why would he take her to such a place? She didn't know why, but she felt disappointed. Was it because... He failed to impress her?

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