93. Friendship? Bullshit!

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The physician in the medical room checked Garfield's wounds thoroughly and cleaned them using warm water before applying some ointment to them, covering the cat with a small blanket before turning to the two students.

"He's alright for now. But I don't have much knowledge about animals. Don't worry, my friend who's also a physician knows very well about many animals' diseases. I can take Garfield to him."

"Sorry for the inconvenience, Doctor," Heidith expressed honestly.

The physician smiled, waving his hand nonchalantly. "It's not a big deal. Actually, I really like Garfield. If you let me, I can keep him as my pet but only if you like..."

Before he could finish, Heidith and Zadhea said in unison, "You can keep him."

Zadhea added, "We just want him to have a better home and someone who can love him."

Heidith nodded, affirming her words.

"Then it's decided. Garfield is mine now." The physician kissed the cat's cheek.

Zadhea was smiling from ear to ear as she stepped out of the infirmary room. She felt so happy. Beaming, she turned to Heidith and said, "I'm happy we could help him find a home."

"I know, right." Heidith smiled as he took her hand. "Come. Let's go to your room."

Zadhea's face turned red. Why did it sound ambiguous?

"No. I can go there myself." She pulled her hand out of his clutch. "Or else, others might spread gossip."

"So what?" Heidith raised a brow in confusion. "I'm your fiancé. I don't see anything weird about it."

Zadhea felt helpless at his remark. She thought of using his own words as a weapon to attack him. "During our first day at school, you gave us a lecture saying that this academy is for education, not for other things."

"Like what?" Heidith wrinkled his forehead. "I think you are thinking too much. We are just friends, aren't we?"

Zadhea covered her forehead, shaking her head. 'Why is he so dumb?'

"Listen, others don't know we are just friends. They think we are a couple. So it's inappropriate."

Heidith finally gave in. "Okay. Then let me accompany you until we reach the stairs."

Zadhea agreed with that suggestion.

They talked about random stuff as they approached the staircase. When Heidith realized that he had to say goodbye to her soon, an empty feeling bubbled in his heart. He wanted to spend more and more time with her.

"I guess good night!" Zadhea turned to him, squeezing out a smile. "Remember to sleep well. Don't stay up too late."

"Got it." Heidith smiled back.

"Smiley boy." Zadhea giggled.

Heidith was puzzled. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'm leaving." She started climbing the stairs.

Heidith watched her leaving with a smile on his face. Suddenly, his smile disappeared as a throbbing headache attacked him.


Zadhea turned her head to see what happened, only to witness Heidith holding his head as he squatted on the ground with a painful expression on his face, his eyes squeezed shut.

"Gosh!" Zadhea ran towards him and knelt next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Heidith opened his eyes and looked at her. He didn't want her to worry about him, thus he said, "I'm fine," his voice shaking a little.

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