60. Vinegar

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Heidith made his right hand into a fist and circled his left hand on it. The next second, three beautiful red roses appeared in his hand. Smiling, he reached them out to the girl, saying, "Beautiful flowers for the beautiful lady."

Zadhea couldn't help giggling at his words. "You sound like a merchant, honestly." She covered her mouth to hide her smile. Suddenly she smirked secretly as she got an idea to make things difficult for him. "Tell me what's more beautiful? Me or the flowers?"

Heidith was taken aback by her question but only for a few seconds. He grinned victoriously and pushed the flowers into her hands. "You holding flowers is most beautiful."

Zadhea had no idea he could be that cunning. She could only shake her head speechlessly.

"Mmm... Zadhea, I have something to tell you." Heidith became serious as he looked at her eyes, wearing a dead serious expression.

Zadhea suddenly had a bad feeling. Is he trying to break our engagement? Did he already fall for the female lead? Uff, how can I answer? Should I say okay right away or... Act a little hurt? No, I shouldn't act. I'll just be myself.

Heidith recalled his mother's words. She was correct. He had to take things slow with the princess. Although he liked her, he knew she didn't return his feelings. It was a one-sided love.

"Can I be your friend?" He asked nervously, afraid of her rejecting him.

"No," As expected, she directly rejected it as her face turned cold like she became a different person the next second. "Just because I talked to you for a bit doesn't mean we became friends. I just had a little fun with you. Nothing else."

Heidith felt hurt deeply. He lowered his eyes to hide his pain. "Why?" He couldn't help asking. It wasn't like he asked her to be his girlfriend. Even if he did ask, what's wrong with it? They were already engaged to each other, right?

"I don't like to be with you. As I told you before, it's a torture to me," Zadhea lied. "Your face makes my blood boil."

Heidith touched his cheeks and pouted his lips. "What's wrong with my face?"

Damn! Damn! Damn! He's freaking seducing me! If I don't leave right now, he might truly trap me in his charms. Zadhea opened the door and flew away.

When she went to the main hall, other new students were already there, listening to the boring speech made by the head master, yawning from time to time. She secretly tiptoed and sat in a corner like a thief.

"Hi!" She heard someone greet in a low voice. When she turned around, she was surprised to see the female lead.

Zadhea huffed and looked away. She didn't want to get involved with that fairy couple. They could have a smooth journey without her interference. As for winning their hearts, she didn't want that!

Who would want to impress them? If she were to stay in that world for her entire lifetime peacefully, she might consider about winning over the main protagonists. But she didn't want to stay in that world! Heck nooo! No thanks!

So she decided to pay zero attention to them.

Dreva felt embarrassed when she didn't get a reply from the girl sitting beside her. Thinking of starting a conversation, she said, "A few hours ago, what did you mean by 'You next'? And why did you chase after Heidith holding a dagger? You looked scary you know." She smiled awkwardly.

Zadhea raised a brow. "Heidith?"

Dreva blinked and lowered her eyes guiltily. "He asked me to call him by his name. If you mind it, then I'll stop calling his name."

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now