44. Dylan (6) [Finale]

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Dylan successfully avoided her attack by bending down on time. Then he straightened his body again, twirling the sword. He didn't forget to mock her saying, "Ayyoh, you only know that? What a pity! Zadhea won't fall in love with weak girls like you."

As expected, he succeeded in angering his enemy. That way, he could play with her until she became exhausted. She could no longer plan properly how to attack and where to attack. She could only sway her sword in order to vent her anger. Taking advantage of it, Dylan waited for the right time before aiming at her neck.

"You lost, Ashra."

Sahasra became dumbfounded. She looked at the sword kept closer to her neck and then at the person holding it respectively.

Her golden brown eyes locked with his. She felt like she was drowning in his crystal phoenix blue eyes. Her heart started beating fast maybe because of the tiredness from the fight or something else.

Aah, I'm melting...

Blood rushed to her thin cheeks. She even felt a gentle breeze brushed against her, making goosebumps all over her sweaty body. She was amazed to feel hot and cold sensation at the same time. It was an undescribable feeling.

"Okay, I admit my defeat." She tried hard not to blush but she felt her cheeks burning. Seemed like she did blush in the end.

'Aaah! What's going on? I'm a lesbian girl. How can I fall for a man? Is it because he looks pretty like a cute girl?' She wondered.

Dylan had a cute, round face. His eyelashes were long and his eyebrows curved, giving him a feminine look. Even his forehead looked like a crescent. Nevertheless, his feminine facial features increased his charms. It was just, people in the past didn't like pretty men. They preferred men who screamed masculinity and looked hella strong like a body builder.

"What are you thinking?" Dylan tapped on her shoulder, snapping her out of her reverie. His blue eyes showed confusion. When Sahasra's golden brown eyes fell on his lips that looked like soft pink rose petals, her tummy made a weird move.

'Damn! What's happening to me?'

She couldn't understand why she was having such weird feelings. They were strange and foreign to her.

"Now that I defeated you, will you be my friend?" Dylan asked when he saw her looking at him silently without saying anything. He couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable. Why did he feel like she looked like a puppy wagging her tail? He could almost see two long ears drooping to her shoulders.

Sahasra gave him a sincere smile for the first time since they met. "Of course, Dyl. From now on, let's be best buddies. But..."

"But what? You won't come with me to the royal palace?" Dylan felt exhausted. His hand subconsciously reached for his wrinkled forehead. He was still panting lightly but he had to have this conversation with her. He couldn't waste anymore time. He must take her with him to the king no matter what. Or else, what was the point in wasting his time in such a dirty place for a long time?

Sahasra also panted slightly. "Nowh. I didn't mean that. I'll definitely come with you to the royal palace. But the thing is, I don't know your real identity yet. Can you reveal it to me already?"

She looked at him with puppy eyes. It was the first time in her entire life she pleaded with a man. She was a strong woman who didn't care about men although many men tried to get close to her because of her seductive look. She had a very sexy body. Her actions unintentionally looked sexy too. Her curly brown hair, always squinted eyes and full lips that she bit from time to time as a habit added more to her charms. Because of that, men mistakenly thought of her as a seductress, only to get killed by her afterwards.

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