51. An unlucky day

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"What are you gonna do with that army anyway?" Evelyn asked as she put down her tea cup after finishing it. Now their topic got changed to Zadhea's future plans. "Do you want to prove that you are more capable than Heidith and grab the throne?"

Zadhea also finished her tea. "Nope. I don't want to become the empress. I just want to return to my own world, remember?"

"Yeah. But I can't see the connection between these two. Let's say you make a great army and attack Rodwef. You said you even drew the plan of the royal palace."

"I did." Zadhea grabbed her brown leather bag. "Lemme show you. You have read the novel, right? I think you have a brief idea of the royal castle. Tell me whether it's on point. I worked so hard to draw this thing."

She started rummaging through the bag while mumbling, "Dancing ducks! Where is it?"

"It's fine." Evelyn waved her hand casually. "Just show me later. I don't remember such things anyway. It's been a long time. I can only recall some major events."

"I see." Zadhea put away her bag with a sigh. "I'll show it when I find my notebook then. As for your question, lemme tell you. I indeed have two plans and a shortcut. First, I'm going to attack Rodwef with my POWERFUL army and kill the male lead and his beloved girlfriend, crashing this novel world like a true villain..."

"They didn't even fall in love yet, bish. You are calling Dreva his beloved already." Evelyn rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What if he likes you instead?"

"Nonsense bullshit!" Zadhea huffed. "Although he likes me, I won't return his feelings. Wait a sec. You SAID in the novel, they FELL HEAD OVER HEELS FOR EACHOTHER, RIGHT? Why are you saying he falls for someone else now? Isn't he loyal enough?"

Evelyn couldn't believe this girl. "Fool, he doesn't know her yet. What are you saying?"

"Tsk, that's the point. When he learns about her, he'll naturally fall for her just like in the novel. Let's try not to interrupt their happy moments."

Evelyn hummed. "I understand what you're saying. But we must face every change. For an example, because of your interference, the plot has changed drastically. I don't know what's going on anymore. I have no idea. So we shouldn't hold high expectations for their love story."

"Tell that to yourself," Zadhea scoffed. "It's none of my business whether they love eachother or not. I just want to..."

"Tsk, I kinda like it if you are the one for him." Evelyn felt pity.

"One for whom?"

"For Heidith of course."

Zadhea showed her middle finger, making Evelyn laugh out loud.

"Don't laugh unladylikely," the princess warned, looking around in fear.

"You don't fart unladylikely then."

"Excuse me, when did I fart?"

"Just now. I can still smell how juicy it is." Evelyn wiped out the tears hanging on her eyelashes. "Don't lie!"

"Woman, are you kidding me?" Zadhea's face turned red in anger and embarrassment. "Shut the fuck up! Somebody might hear your ugly voice, you trash can."

Evelyn felt angry too. "Trash can? After everything I did, you consider me as a trash can? You know what, I hate you!" She glared at her with tears in her eyes. "You are the most selfish creature I have ever seen. You only think about yourself! You... I hate you to death."

Zadhea was taken aback as her voice turned cold. "Wait, Are you serious here?"

Evelyn nodded without hesitation. "I am. You can destroy this world without thinking about the people here. What happens to them if you kill the protagonists? They will die too, you hear me!? They will die too. What about me? Am I not gonna die as well?" Tears gathered in her eyes.

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now