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Enid finds a cat and brings it back to their room. Wednesday is slightly skeptical of the creature.

Enid only picked up the cat once she was fairly certain that it wasn't a person in disguise. Its white fur was matted and soaked from the pouring rain. It weighed almost nothing in her arms, little more than a wet white scrap.

She carried it out of the rain and walked up to her and Wednesday's room. This situation had the potential to go horribly wrong. Or wonderfully right. The cat shivered in Enid's arms. She'd take her chances. She slowly opened the door, it making that horrible creaking noise Thing seemed to love. "Wednesday?" She called, getting no response. She stepped into the room.

Her friend either wasn't there or was hiding under the bed again with some sort of suspicious item. Enid peeked under the other girl's bed. Nope. Good.

She dried the cat off, her heart melting at its pitiful mews. Thing climbed onto her bed, tapping his fingers against the brightly-coloured blankets.

"It's a cat, Thing," Enid said, kissing the pathetic creature's head, its whiskers ticking her cheek, "don't worry, Wednesday will be fine with it. Probably," she wrapped it in a blanket, the cat letting out a rumbling purr. It was white and fluffy. Enid felt like she was holding heaven in her arms. Thing tapped against the blankets again, Enid taking a moment to comprehend what he had tapped. After a lot of begging, Wednesday was finally teaching her Thing's version of morse code. She was an interesting teacher. "Are you jealous?" Enid smirked. Thing crept off to sulk, answering her question.

She looked back down at the cat in her arms, the creature now asleep. She rubbed her fingers over its little face. Okay, yes, having a cat probably wouldn't go over well with her family... because of the whole werewolf thing. But she could hope. Besides, she had months to worry about that. She sat down on her bed, the cat tucked to her chest. Wednesday entered the room only a few minutes later, striding towards her desk without glancing at Enid,

"Thing, I need the -" she paused, turning around, "Enid. You're back early."

"I am?" Enid asked, the cat hidden under the blankets in her arms.

"Yes. You're not usually here for another hour," she said, shuffling through a stack of her papers after turning back to her desk. The cat woke up and stretched out, its paw tickling Enid's chin. She giggled, the cat letting out a quiet mew. Wednesday slowly turned around again, staring at the cat, who was still bundled in blankets. "Enid."


"There's a cat inside of your blankets."

"That's not a cat!" Enid said quickly, covering the animal in more blankets and holding it up, "it's a deadly creature from the top of some creepy mountain you know too much about it."

"Specifically?" Wednesday started slowly walking over to her.

"Uh... Mount Everest!"

"A creature with that many cat-like qualities would have a poor chance of surviving on Mount Everest. Its coat wouldn't be thick enough to provide the warmth it needs and its likely food source wouldn't be an adequate source of protein, nor easy to obtain. It would be torture, in fact, to subject any unprepared life form to that. I have some people I'd recommend if you are indeed exploring that form of torture," Wednesday watched as the fluffy white cat poked its head out of the blankets, "it's a cat."

"Um, hard no on the torture, first off," Enid said.


"And yeah, it's a cat. I found it outside in the rain." Wednesday nodded, lifting the cat from the blankets and holding it above her head for a few moments,

"It's a male."

"Ew," Enid took the cat back, running her fingers through his silky fur, "so, can we keep him?" Wednesday looked at the space beside her, sitting on the edge of the bed,

"It's a white cat. A black cat would be preferable."

"Well, I wasn't exactly looking for a certain kind when I found this one," Enid shrugged, smiling as he started to purr again, "look, he's so happy." Wednesday frowned. "Right, happy equals bad for you. I'm sure he can be super brooding," she held him up again. He absolutely couldn't. He was essentially a ball of fluff.

"White and black fur colourings both stem from mutations. Only, black cats are much healthier and more successful in hunting. This creature of a white mutation would be easily spotted when he tries to hunt. That's probably why he's so thin. White cats are also generally unhealthier."

"So?" Enid said, "look at his face, that's why we need to keep him! He won't survive out there." Wednesday glanced over the cat,

"I'm surprised you've taken a liking to him. Considering what I've heard about werewolves."

"Stereotypes you mean?" Enid laughed, flopping down on the bed, the cat climbing onto her stomach and settling down, "in case you haven't noticed I'm not a typical werewolf anyway." Wednesday nodded,

"Okay. I am not in charge of any litter box, though."

"Deal," Enid said, squealing after, "he's so cuttttte!" She could swear she saw Wednesday roll her eyes as the other girl crossed back over to her side of the room, sitting at her desk. "He needs a name," she said, aware that Wednesday still listened to her even while doing something else, "something like Bunny or Cloudy. Oooooh, Marshmallow! Isn't that adorable?"

"Yes," Wednesday said, "repulsively so."

"Okay, what would you recommend then?" Enid asked, squishing the cat's face and kissing his head.

"Mordecai," Wednesday said without a moment of hesitation, "Lycoris, Lucifer. Hades."

"Lucifer?" Enid looked down at the sweet kitty in her arms.

"It's a common pet name in my family. My brother's gone through three tarantulas, all with the same name. Very distinct personalities, though."

"Of course," Enid said with a fond roll of her eyes. She had gotten used to the other girl by that point, "Hades, then, I guess." Wednesday didn't respond, writing on her typewriter. Enid rested her hand on Hades's back, closing her eyes. He was pleasantly warm.

She watched Wednesday type and talk quietly to Thing from across the room, glancing back down at the cat. Hopefully, she wouldn't have a problem with him. Or Enid would definitely try to find a better home for him. Her roommate's comfort came first. She slept with the cat sprawled out beside her that night.

She knew it wouldn't be a problem when she walked to her room the next day and found Wednesday writing with the cat in her lap, absent-mindedly scratching his ears.

Enid had never squealed so loud in her life

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