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Found a prompt in r/wenclair where Enid walks in on Wednesday doing hella push-ups
Added my own spin to it.

It was early Saturday morning when Enid with the rest of the group went to Jericho after a long week of finals. Enid had begged Wednesday to join them, but could not get the goth to go.

Wednesday was glad that Enid had relented her constant pleas for her to join and eventually left with everyone. It had been a while since she got some alone time. After the Crackstone incident, Enid got more clingier and admittedly, Wednesday understood why. Nonetheless, she truly missed her free alone time.

When she was sure that everyone had left, she immediately went to her typewriter and typed up a list of exercises she wanted to do. A few hours is obviously not enough to make up for lost training, and seeing as this was her first time doing this in a while, she settled for easy legs, arms, and abdomen exercises.

Enid was disappointed but unsurprised when Wednesday opted to stay. Maybe she could get something for her. Just as she thought that her eyes caught a black cat plushie with a matching rainbow one in a shop they were walking by. She stopped dead in her tracks as she stared at the plushies for god knows how long.

" Enid!" Someone shouted, trying to get her attention.

Enid snapped out of whatever trance she was in and her head snapped to Yoko, and the rest of the group who was looking at her, worry evident in their posture.

"What's the matter, pup?" Yoko asked, breaking the silence.

"N-nothing, you guys go ahead, I just have to do something, I'll meet you guys at the Weathervane, yeah?" She responded, stuttering a bit, still recovering from her trance.

A chorus of are you sure's and alright followed as most of them walked towards their destination. Yoko however, stayed. She lowered her sunglasses exposing her eyes and stared at Enid with a questioning look.

"I'm fine! Really! Look, if I'm not there in 15 minutes you can start worrying" Enid insisted, pushing Yoko towards the otters.

Yoko relented albeit reluctantly, and headed off towards the weathervane, leaving one last glance at Enid.

As soon as the group left, Enid went into the store and asked for the two plushies that had drawn her in. She quickly paid for them and hastily made a beeline for the weathervane.

Wednesday just got changed to do her exercises. She, surprisingly, was wearing black leggings, and a black sports bra that showed her toned body well. If anyone was to ever see her like this, their demise is surely guaranteed.... Right?

She took a deep breath, and started with her exercises, planning to start with the legs and end with the arm exercises.

It was just after noon but Enid felt exhausted, so the group decided to call it a day after exhausting themselves looking around and shopping... etc (Whatever normal people do when they go out). They were on their way back earlier than expected but they all had a lot of fun.

As they were walking back to Nevermore, Enid was practically hanging off of Yoko, clutching the bag with the stuffed animals. The vampire, however, looked like a walking Christmas tree. She was carrying almost every bag and Enid, but she was too tired to complain.

Wednesday just got done with her core exercises when she glanced at the clock, it read just before noon. She nodded to herself before starting on her arms. Although weightlifting never appealed to her, she decided to start with it, especially since how out of practice she was.

After an ungodly amount of reps, the short girl stopped lifting weights and immediately started on her last exercise: push-ups. Usually, she would count how many she can do in a minute, but today she decided to push it until she can't anymore. This day was, after all, a rare occurrence.

As soon as Nevermore came into view, the tired werewolf seemed to get energy out of nowhere, much to the surprise of the group. Just seconds before she looked like she was gonna pass out and now she was skipping...?

Enid seemed unfazed by the surprised stares she had gathered. No one can blame her though, she was just excited to give Wednesday one of the matching plushies!

The nearer they got to the school the more energy She seemed to get, it got to the point that it looked like she was vibrating,,, (Don't ask me how idfk either). She was sure Wednesday would love the plushies. Despite her seemingly scathing remarks, Enid knows that Wednesday liked her stuffed unicorns a lot. (Somehow)

As soon as the group reached the dorm common rooms, she took her bags from poor Yoko and quickly said goodbye as she raced up the stairs without looking back. If she did, she would see Yoko with her glasses down and a slight smirk on her face.

Wednesday was too engrossed in her push-ups to not notice the footsteps or the door being closed by her bubbly roommate. That was why she was surprised when she looked up slightly and saw the werewolf's favorite pair of pink converses.
She quickly stood up from her previous position and stared at Enid with narrowed eyes, annoyed at being interrupted. It was only when she noticed Enid's face that she realized that she was still wearing her exercise clothes.

Enid was excitedly racing up the stairs to their dorm, and when she reached the door; she did not hesitate to walk in unannounced. She was expecting Wednesday to be on her bed reading or writing using her typewriter, but what she encountered stopped Enid dead in her tracks.

Wednesday was in sportswear that showed her toned body off, doing push-ups. Enid couldn't help but stare with wide eyes that only got wider when she heard what number Wednesday had uttered after a rep. It was only when she felt something on her face that she snapped out of her trance, she quickly wiped the saliva- Wait... saliva?! Was she drooling???

She then noticed that Wednesday was now standing up and looking at her with her eyes narrowed. Even with her stare, Enid couldn't help but check the goth out and damn she liked what she saw. She unknowingly blushed at the thought before shaking it out of her mind.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Wednesday's monotone voice asked

"I- uhmmm" Enid mumbled, still staring at Wednesday's form. "I got these for you." She said weakly as she reached into her bag and handed Wednesday the black cat plushie.

"And why did you think I would accept such a... nauseating gift?" She replied in return, holding the plushie up to her eye level, inspecting it like it was a particularly interesting bug on a spreading board.

"If you don't want it I'll take it back! I got a matching one!" Enid responded with confidence, making a move to grab the plushie out of Wednesday's hand.

"No, it's mine. If you ever so lay a finger on this monstrosity, you will be 6ft underground trying to claw your way out." She responded in kind, hugging the plushie like it was a baby that needed protecting.

"Awww! So you do like it! I'm glad!" She squealed out tackling Wednesday in a hug which the goth reciprocated.

Wednesday gently cupped Enid's cheek in her hand and lifted her head so she could see into her crystalline blue eyes. Her eyes flickered over to Enid's lip before gazing back up into her clear blue eyes.

After receiving a quick confirmation, the goth leaned the rest of the way brushing her lips against the werewolf in a soft and tender kiss. A second later, they both pulled back after realizing what just happened.

Enid with wide eyes tried to run but before she could, Wednesday's hands shot out and pinned the bubbly girl's wrists to the wall.

Wednesday leaned close to Enid's ear. With what sounded like a purr, Wednesday breathed, "Not a word, mia lupa. "

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