Confession Via Taylor Swift

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Wednesday comes to terms with her feelings for a certain blonde. And, seeing as she would only ask for her mother's advice as a last option, the little raven turns to the internet for answers.

Wednesday stood there on the balcony in the pouring rain. She silently cursed herself for this idea, the woman who influenced the thought, and the girl who inspired the bravery to attempt the plan.

Hearing the door to the raven's and wolf's dorm room open and close caused a sharp intake of cold, charged air. Wednesday could back out now. She could run and pretend this never happened.

The only problem was that she was Wednesday Addams. And she feared nothing.


~One Week Earlier~

Enid Sinclair was imperfect.

To any dark, creepy, manic raven, this happy blond should cause pure discomfort and annoyance. She was scarred, loud, impatient at times, overly affectionate, brightly colorful, too trusting, and fainted with the slightest bit of blood. When something upsets the blond, she will make it known to the whole world. She acts like the world is ending when she's left alone for over thirty minutes.

To Wednesday Addams, Enid was perfectly imperfect.

Once school opened again and Wednesday was face to face with the bubbly girl, though she hated to admit it, she missed her. And though the raven had rejected the blond's excited hug, it was because she felt she would melt and spill every flowery, affectionate word her parents only said to each other. The dark girl would not become like her parents, and she refused to act like them. It took five long months for the dark seer to come to these terms and an extra month to accept them. It was like taking a breath of air after being under chilled water.

If Wednesday were to confess to Enid, it would be on her terms. So, with that in mind, the seer sought assistance from those she could trust not to announce her secret.

The internet, of course. Morticia would have to be the raven's last line of defense.

"How you show interest in a girl" was Wednesday's first search, and the results seemed promising.

Make eye contact- the eyes are the window to the soul. Make sure they can see it.
Initiate physical contact- be aware that this isn't for everyone, but it shows you are open and want their attention.
Complements- telling someone you like/love them can be challenging. But saying they look good in a certain color isn't.
Wednesday grumbled at the second point, as she had already slipped up by denying a hug from her intended. However, she could adapt and recover. This shouldn't be too hard.


Enid didn't know what she had done to be on Wednesday's hit list.

It started on the second day back from summer break. Well, it might have started on the first day. Enid had missed her roommate so much that she had forgotten the raven's no-touching rule. But, to be fair, the dark girl had accepted and returned Enid's hug before the summer break. Then again, the werewolf shouldn't have assumed that was a free hug pass. But she didn't assume. She forgot.

Anyway, the raven had been acting odd since then.

Wednesday usually kept her eyes on the front of the class, only looking down to take notes. Now, the seer's eyes had a third pit stop, Enid. Those dark eyes would occasionally be caught looking deeply and thoughtfully at the blond. The first time Enid noticed, she played it off with a smile, but inside, she was scared of what the girl was thinking.

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