An addams reunion

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Wednesday brings Enid to the Addams family reunion.

Enid Addams does have a nice ring to it.

Wednesday came from a large family, the Addams lineage long and winding, members sprouting up far and wide across the world. Reunions were something of an intense sport, trying to get all those people together in one place, yet they always seemed to make it work. Morticia's family was nearly just as expansive, the Frumps one of the oldest families in the country, its lines retreating back almost as far as the Addamses. The reunions typically took place every five years or so as new members were born or adopted into the family, the older members sadly passing away. But family was the utmost important thing where anyone was concerned, and getting everyone together was always the most talked about event for good reason.

Dozens of cars lined the sprawling estate outside the Addams family mansion, people and creatures from all walks of life milling about the place, a rather raucous soiree pulsing to life within the storied walls of the house. Wednesday traversed the party with the same reserve as she always had, politely greeting every member of her extended family as she did so, careful to keep her distance, lest she trigger one of her powerful visions. The previous family reunion had been when she was seventeen, during her second year at Nevermore, and so many people had accidentally brushed against her, she had several visions in one night; needless to say, she excused herself early, the constant threat of an invasive moment enough to keep her away from the family.

She almost mourned the loss, not being able to see some of the family that she truly enjoyed, her Aunt Ophelia being one of the most important.

This year, however, she was a much more adept twenty-two year old, and the family had given her a wide berth after the misfortune that befell the petite girl at the prior gathering. Her Uncle Fester had greeted her in the same manner, nearly attacking the girl in his usual manner, before she had flipped him over the balcony and sent him tumbling into the bushes just down below. Wednesday finished making her rounds, finding her way back to the living area, her Cousin Itt muttering out his standard hello as she passed him by. She hovered in the doorway, arms folded across her chest as she nearly leaned against the doorframe, her eyes carefully watching the scene before her.

In a sea of colorless shapes, there sat Enid Sinclair, in a vibrant pink corseted dress, holding an animated conversation with Ronan, Altair Addams' werewolf husband. Wednesday felt a smile attempt to crest her face as she studied her girlfriend, her hands waving as she punctuated her story, the familiar way Enid's hands gestured stirring up a whirlwind of affection in the stoic Wednesday. Enid was always the bright spot in a room, whether she knew it or not, regardless of her fashion. It simply was.

Morticia had invited Enid to the Reunion long before she even started dating Wednesday, a particularly rough summer having brought the blonde into the care of the Addams family, and Morticia immediately adopted the girl as her own. She had been the most excited when Wednesday announced their courtship not six months later, and the blonde had burst into tears when Morticia pulled her in for a hug.

Enid had cried again when Morticia invited her to this reunion, beyond thrilled at finally having found her place in the world. Her relationship with her pack had deteriorated significantly after Enid was thrown from the closet, the bonds having shattered completely when Esther Sinclair kicked her out of the pack all together. Enid may be a Sinclair by law, but in her heart, she was already an Addams.

Wednesday continued to watch her girlfriend in the midst of the party, her heart fluttering happily in her chest. Morticia materialized beside her, dark lips quirked up in a knowing smile as she glanced down at her daughter.

"She fits right in, doesn't she, darling?"

Wednesday quietly regarded her mother, eyes sliding over to give her a sidelong glance.

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