The Nightmares of a Wolf pt2

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After a delicious lunch, the group wandered the streets of Rome, taking in the sights of the lively city and the smells of Italian pastries from the nearby bakeries.

Eugene would cram as many Italian chocolate bars and gummy sweets as he possibly could into his suitcase. Unbeknownst to the boy, a few items had disappeared from his shopping bag. Judging by the smeared chocolate around Ajax's mouth, it wasn't much of a mystery.

Initially, Enid was in high spirits and shopping was going great. But then her mood suddenly shifted.

She found herself constantly being shoved as she tried to make her way through the bustling streets filled with tourists. It quickly became overstimulating and claustrophobic. Her heart began to beat even more erratically when she lost sight of Wednesday and the rest of the group, causing her to feel increasingly panicky.

Ever since the incident, Enid seemed to have a desperate need to remain close to Wednesday at all times. She looked almost distressed every time her roommate wasn't nearby. Wednesday initially found those occurrences quite amusing, but then she noticed the underlying seriousness of what Enid was going through—even if Enid wouldn't tell her, she knew something was wrong.

Wednesday was usually close by, and without her, Enid was left feeling deeply unsettled.

"Wednesday!" she shouted out in a panic, but there was no response. Enid searched desperately, but the chaotic crowd of people around her made it impossible for her to see; Wednesday's height wasn't helping the situation either.

Enid could feel the onset of a panic attack: her breathing became shallow, her vision blurry. She had to stop in the middle of the busy street, and as the tears streamed down her face, she dropped to her knees. She felt suffocated, the sound of her own breathing echoing in her ears.

Her panic attacks had been increasing in intensity ever since her fight with the Hyde. And right now was the worst time to have one.

She didn't know why she was feeling like this. She had been fine in the past with sizable crowds, but the feeling of losing Wednesday and the sensation of being pushed by multiple people seemed to be what set her off.

Her heart was racing, and she cried harder, her chest growing tight as bile rose in her throat.

Enid felt a light tap on her shoulder, causing her to look up in fear, her eyes filled with tears.

"Enid?" Wednesday spoke softly, bending down to her level. The only response she received was the girl's ragged breathing and her shaking frame.

Did Enid really think she wouldn't come back in search of her?

She may have been more attached to her than usual lately, but Wednesday did not seem to be bothered by it.

The usually stoic girl kept an attentive eye on Enid, ensuring she was safe and near, ever since that night. Meanwhile, Enid had to make sure she knew exactly where the other girl was for her own peace of mind, completely unaware that she was not the only one who felt that way.

Without thinking, Wednesday gently took Enid's arm in hers, helping her stand and guiding her away from the cacophony of the crowded street and into an alley nearby.

Once they made it into the alley, Enid leaned her head against the rough, textured bricks of terra-cotta, her sobs intensifying with each passing moment.

Wednesday had never witnessed Enid's emotions this raw before, and she was unsure how to comfort her. Enid was usually prone to outbursts from her sensitivity, but this was something entirely different and much more severe.

"Enid, calm down. Can you tell me what is going on? What do you need?"

Wednesday didn't receive a response, so she stepped closer to the blonde.

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