Chocolate is the Best Way to Say 'I Love You'

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Wednesday takes a Dove chocolate wrapper quote too seriously and tries to express to Enid how she feels with an abundance of chocolate. This results in Enid being in a state of major confusion because why the heck was there a ton of chocolate in her dorm room right now?

"Earth to Wednesday!" Eugene waved his hand in front of Wednesday to snap her out of her trance, as she had been transfixed on the wall for the past five minutes. "Did you even hear anything I just said?" He let out a deep sigh as he spoke.

Wednesday's gaze finally met the younger boy's, and the gentle hum of his bees was the only thing that could be heard.

A moment of hesitation passed before she finally answered. "My apologies. I have just been thinking about something that's been troubling me."

Wednesday seemed to be off in her own world lately, her expression distant, distracted, and not at all sharp and focused like it usually was. Eugene was amazed that it had been a full week since the girl had threatened anyone, a fact he hadn't noticed until now.

"Yeah, I can tell!" Eugene let out a quiet snort of amusement.

He reached across his table and pulled out a piece of chocolate from the drawer.

"What's on your mind?" He popped the piece of milk chocolate into his mouth, carelessly throwing the wrapper onto the table.

"If you speak of this to anyone, I will not hesitate to turn your own bees against you, Eugene. You are... one of the very few people that I trust."

Eugene nodded his head rapidly. He was determined to avoid death, far less at the hands of his own bees. He would like to play Marvel's Spider-Man 2 before he met his demise. Unless you could play video games in the afterlife? Either way, he didn't want to risk it—Wednesday always kept her word.

"Over the course of the last year, I believe I have developed... feelings for someone."

Wednesday said it so quietly, Eugene almost thought he misheard her.

He nervously swallowed his chocolate before replying. "Feelings? For... someone?"

"Do not make me repeat myself."

"L-like romantic feelings?" He furrowed his brow in confusion as he warily asked for further explanation.

Wednesday looked at him with a glare, as if he had asked something incredibly foolish.

Eugene sheepishly held his hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, sorry! Stupid question!"

"But for who?" He asked curiously as he grabbed yet another heart-shaped piece of chocolate from his drawer. He stored the Dove chocolates his mothers gave him for Valentine's Day in a secure spot in the hive.

Wednesday's gaze swept across the honey jars that filled the shelves. She hesitated, her mouth dry, as she contemplated confessing her true feelings for a particular blonde-haired werewolf. Wednesday Addams was usually unafraid, but the new unwanted sensations she felt whenever she thought about the other girl made her skin crawl—and not in the good way. Was it even appropriate for her to be talking about this with someone who had a prior romantic interest in the same person?

"Okay, fine! If you don't wanna say, then I will guess until I get the right person," he said with much enthusiasm. Why not make a game out of it? The goth girl slowly nodded her head in agreement.

Eugene thought about the people Wednesday spoke to regularly. There were only a few, including him. He couldn't imagine Wednesday liking him like that, since he had always been like a little brother to her, as she was a big sister to him. That would make for an awkward conversation.

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