Sleep Schedules

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Wednesday and Enid attend the same university while they struggle with their work-life balance along with their opposing sleep schedules. Being in a relationship together only happens to be the cherry on top.

Enid needed to sleep. She had to get to her morning class at nine and the clock on her phone read two-thirteen A.M.. If she fell asleep right now she'd get around 6 hours of sleep and still have an hour to get ready and make the walk across the campus to her statistics class. Her sleep deprived mind reminded her that she could cut the walk time in half if she wolfed out to get to class, but as tempting as that was, tearing up an outfit and freaking the majoring normie population on campus just to get to class faster was actually a terrible idea. Still she considered it for a little longer as she saw the clock on her screen tick another minute by.

She also knew that she should probably set her phone down and go to sleep, something about blue light keeping you up at night, a fact that Wednesday kept telling Enid was entirely debunked and baseless. Yet it still felt true, sleepless nights wasted away on social media and watching K-dramas served as proof. Trying to fall asleep was a miserable experience though, her mind would race through all the things that had to get done, and all the impending due dates that were quickly closing in. Her phone was just a way to forget about all that, but it only kept her up with meaningless videos and blog post deep dives.

A frustrated growl rumbled through her throat as she gathered enough willpower to set her stupid phone down on the nightstand. She rubbed her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. Nothing really helped her sleep these days, she even tried melatonin gummies but that only made her drowsy and turned her dreams all freaky. Well... nothing helped aside from Wednesday.

A girl who was all curses and storm clouds, she hardly smiled, often talked in a low and threatening monotone and carried multiple sharp blades on her person at all times. The same girl who was Enid's only comfort on restless nights like these.

They both had heard it more than enough times, they were complete opposites. Enid was sunny days and rainbows while Wednesday was haunted nights and hurricanes. But that only made it more perfect in Enid's mind. Eclipses were one of the most beautiful things one would ever experience after all.

Of course there was more to it than that, Enid was a Werewolf, Wednesday was an Addams, who also happened to be a psychic. They met at Nevermore high school, Enid fought a hyde for Wednesday, and Wednesday was the reason Enid wolfed out in the first place. It had taken some time for Enid to fully realize what that really meant, as she had been hiding so far in the closet that she actually convinced herself she had a crush on a boy. Could you believe that? She couldn't, and she was the one who did it.

That had happened five years ago, and now she was in a three year relationship with a girl who kept actual skeletons in her closet while they both attended the same college together. Which reminded Enid that she needed to sleep but her favorite teddy bear wasn't going to get home for another three hours.

Enid huffed as she flopped onto her back, a stray bang landed over her eye and she lazily blew it away. Maybe she should try doing that dumb military technique Wednesday told her to try. If melatonin couldn't get her to sleep, she didn't expect this to work, but she was kinda out of options at this point.

She closed her eyes and focused on relaxing every part of her body individually. First she relaxed her jaw, but not too relaxed because then she couldn't breathe properly. Then she relaxed her shoulders, she hadn't realized how tense they were until she did so, but it did feel nice to let them lower for once. Then next were her arms, fingers, and then her legs.

After a minute her limbs started to feel fuzzy, but she focused on her breathing and laid still. She still didn't think it was working, but Wednesday had said that it would take at least fifteen minutes. So Enid started counting seconds in her head, ready to prove Wednesday wrong.

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