you're the only beauty i don't want to strangle

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I actually don't know what to write here so you'll have to read to find out-

Wednesday Addams planned to never fall in love.

Love was a nauseating and useless emotion that only made you weak and vulnerable to the person who kidnapped your heart—a person who could take your feelings and use them against you. You essentially relinquish control and let down your guard the moment you succumb to that vile affection. Love caused people to behave irrationally; it blinded its victims to logic and reason.

It could turn the strongest individuals into codependent, sniveling cowards.

As far as she was concerned, love was poison. While she normally loved poison, this was a toxin she wished never to be tainted by.

In shorter words, Fuck February .

"Oh, my god," Enid sobbed, and Wednesday could hear her blowing her nose into the tissue stack beside her. "This is the cutest 'effing movie I've ever watched."

They've watched 10 Things I Hate About You almost fifteen times together already.

"It's... adequate."

The movie itself was fine—certainly better than any other romantic movie Enid had subjected her to. She nearly shudders, thinking back to the "Hallmark" movies during Christmas time. The singing scene, Frankie Valli's "Can't Take My Eyes Off You," reminded her of her father and mother. They had danced and serenaded each other with lovesick eyes to songs exactly like that one.

Wednesday briefly wondered if this was Enid's way of torturing her; if that was the case, she respected the crying girl beside her slightly more.

"That must mean you love it!" Enid squealed, the popcorn in her lap almost spilling onto the couch. "Okay, what else should we watch?" The pile of rainbows murmured to herself as she grabbed the large list of movies she planned to show Wednesday.

They were both, admittedly, slightly buzzed. Not enough to wake up with hazy memories, but enough to make stupid decisions that they wish they couldn't remember the next day. Enid had drunk a couple bottles of beer; once they moved into the living room, she resorted to drinking from the cans instead, but because of her more supernatural body, it took an effort to get her drunk.

Wednesday, on the other hand, was sipping cold, hard vodka like it was water.

On her 21st birthday, the entire group raided a local gas station for their liquor and proceeded to break into her home while she was in the middle of a satanic ritual. Enid grabbed her and Thing to sit them at the table while Bianca and Divina blew out the candles and scrubbed the floor clean of red paint.

"You only turn 21 once!" Yoko cheered while cracking open a can of beer and a stack of red Solo cups.

The night was filled with everyone getting plastered to the point of either becoming a weepy drunk or becoming competitive like Bianca and Wednesday. The two girls began a knife flipping contest, and it went... well, the blood wasn't that hard to get out of the carpet.

Today they were drinking for a different reason. Today was Valentine's Day.

"Oh, I know. Let's watch Heathers! I know you'll love this one."

Enid had shown up at their door, liquor in hand, with an annoyed expression on her face. "Yoko forgot to tell me Divina was coming over." Enid scowled before barging into their shared apartment and demanding they eat a bunch of sweets while marathoning a bunch of movies together.

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