Don't Forget To (Bleed So Slowly)

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Enid experiences a nightmare through Wednesday's eyes.

There were very few occasions where Wednesday Addams felt fear in a way that she disliked. In the time she spent at Nevermore she had felt fear very few times and of those times only one of them stuck with her and caused her to not only feel fear but also run from it.

Enid Sinclair, who felt fear regularly and was one to avoid situations that struck fear, had been there to witness Wednesday in her fear and had vowed to never allow it to happen again. This is why Enid found herself crossing her shared dorm in a sleep induced haze fully intent on comforting a thrashing Wednesday Addams.

–Two hours prior–

Wednesday had just entered Ophelia Hall and her eyes fell on Enid immediately, something washing over her features that the blonde could only pin as relief.

"Enid, I'm going to forgo my writing hour tonight as I find I am...exhausted." Wednesday's voice was even but faltered as she bit back a yawn.

"I'll make sure to find my headphones and try not to be too loud so you can get some rest," Enid noticed a shift in Wednesday's eyes and quickly backtracked, "or I can just turn my volume down on my phone so it isn't completely silent?"

Wednesday responded with a small nod and made her way over to her bed without bothering to unpack or even move her luggage from its place.

Enid took a moment to take in her roommate and had taken a step towards Wednesday's luggage when she saw Thing waving at her from atop one of the trunks and beamed at him. Any notion she had of assisting with the unpacking process quickly dissolved as the sentient hand quickly started telling Enid of his endeavors with the raven haired girl, who was now nodding off as she listened into the conversation.

Enid noticed very quickly Wednesday was falling asleep with her shoes and sweater on and decided to rouse Wednesday to have her change before relinquishing her back to her sleep. Wednesday, for what it's worth, did not let out a single insult in the few minutes it took her to change and settled for glares instead. After watching her settle back in, Enid bid goodnight to Thing and retreated back to her bed. She noticed that Wednesday had at some point set the phone Xavier had purchased for her on the desk and made a mental note to make sure Wednesday had remembered to bring a charger with her.

True to her word Enid turned her phone volume down and allowed herself to get comfortable and turn in for the night. While it was much earlier than she was used to she was thankful that Wednesday had not wanted to stay up talking as the full moon had come and gone the night before and her body was tired and sore from running through the woods with her Nevermore pack, or at least with those who had arrived at the academy already.

–Present time–

Enid stumbled forward, quickening her pace slightly as she heard Wednesday whimper. The pull she felt to comfort her friend quickly overshadowed her fear that Wednesday may reject her and send her back to her own bed, insistent that nothing was wrong.

Wednesday was tangled in her blanket, her hair pulled out of its braids as Thing did his best to try to wake her. Enid took in her roommates disheveled appearance, a pale face against a void of impossibly dark hair twisting in what could only be pain and another whimper quickly drawing Enid back to her full alertness.

"Thing, what do we do for her?" She asked, worry tinting her voice.

A series of taps and Things own brand of signing revealed to Enid that the only option Thing ever had was to wait out the nightmares as they had no voice to wake Wednesday and never had it in them to resort to slapping her to wake her.

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