You shine all through my rain

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wrote this all the way back in July lol

Wednesday comes to San Francisco to pick Enid up for a date, and end up butting heads with her girlfriend's mother, to put it mildly

Enid's mum is doing that thing again.

Not saying anything judgemental, but everything in her behavior and expression expressing this. Has been since Enid broke the news that Wednesday is currently on a train on her way there and will be picking Enid up for a date that night.

Her dad hasn't said much either.

Her parents know she's a lesbian, but she is sure her mother wishes she had picked another girl. A nice she-wolf from a prominent pack, someone who can teach her how to be a proper werewolf like you are supposed to be. Instead, Enid had fallen for a girl so strikingly different from herself you'd thnk they were modeled specifically to be each other's opposites. She loves Wednesday, Wednesday loves her, and, as Wednesday has told her numerous times, no force will ever tear them apart.

The train ride was torture, and not anywhere near the good kind.

The endless onslaught of voices and noises and people being too close, her tapes of music and ambient sounds only doing so much against the discomfort, was only half of it. The other half was missing Enid, somehow even more so when she is getting closer to her than she has been doing in the last few weeks of summer vacation, and Wednesday has missed the rainbow colored wolf terribly. Couldn't wait to see her, had to continuously push down the urge to go up to one of the conductors and threaten them into making the train go faster.

Now, she is in front of the house, white fence and everything, adjusting her black and white dotted dress before ringing the doorbell. Enid's mother opens the door, Wednesday vaguely recognizing her from the parent weekend at Nevermore.
"Oh, hi. You must be Enid's-", she starts.
Wednesday extends her hand.
"Wednesday Addams", she introduces herself.
"Wednesday, right... Esther Sinclair", Enid's mother introduces herself.

Enid still evidently getting ready, Esther shows Wednesday into their living room, the brightness of the white and beige color scheme burning her eyes before she adjusts to them, taking a seat on the couch in the middle of the sparsely decorated, open-plan living room.

Enid's parents take the chairs opposite her, and she starts looking around as they stare at her. Wednesday has always been very attentive to details, and now she notices something labeled summer camp sticking up from a nearby trash can. Scooting over the couch so she can reach it, she reaches down, picking the pamphlet up, to the sound of Enid's mother making an annoyed noise.

"What is this?" she asks as she looks the paper over.
"None of your damn business", Esther snarls, Wednesday reaching her arm away as the werewolf tries to rip the pamphlet from her hand.
"Lycanthropy camp? For teenagers needing help getting in touch with the wolf within them!?" Wednesday questions, angrily shaking the pamphlet as she directly quotes the text on it with a snarl of pure disgust.
Esther sighs.
"We want only the best for Enid, as I am sure you do", she says.
Wednesday bares her teeth.
"Enid is more wolf than you will ever be", she snarls.

The sound of someone coming down the stairs might be the only thing stopping the two females from pouncing at each other, Wednesday making sure to rip the pamphlet apart before going over to greet Enid. She would not have appreciated it if she came downstairs and the living room was covered in blood, Wednesday knows this for sure.

She instantly forgets any anger as she sees Enid coming down the stairs.

The werewolf is dressed in a dress with a striped, swirly pattern in black and pink, the frilly bottom edge swishing as she goes into a bounce after seeing Wednesday as well, trotting over to her with a happy squeal, her hands clasped in front of her.

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