Words Unsaid

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Wednesday ends up having to wear glasses. After seeing her in them for the first time, Enid has a gay awakening.

Enid squinted at her alarm clock. 1 am. She would have been fast asleep on a normal night. Or a normal week. Or a normal month. Nothing had been normal since she had gone back to Nevermore after the break.

She was kind of treated like a hero by some other students now, which was odd. Others glared at her in the hallways for her connection to Wednesday who was still a... controversial figure to say the least. None of that really mattered to her. She had her friends. Ajax was... Ajax.

It was Wednesday's behaviour specifically that had been keeping her awake.

Specifically, the fact that Wednesday was staying up almost every night for the entire night studying, refusing to turn out her lights. It was definitely different from last year when her friend had hardly cared about studying, or even homework, somehow acing every test she took. Now, though...

Enid had peeked over Wednesday's shoulder each time a test was handed back in the classes they shared, watching the scores gradually drop. 100, 92, 87, 71, 65. Enid hadn't even seen the latest score. Wednesday had turned her paper over before anyone else could view it.

The late-night studying had grown more intense after each undesirable test. Unfortunately for Enid, who couldn't sleep with bright lights on, that had led to her, well, not sleeping. It was really starting to take its toll.

"Wednesday," she mumbled, "go to bed, it's late."

"After I finish this," Wednesday said, like she had said two hours ago when Enid was stirred from her light sleep, and two hours before that.


"No," Wednesday replied, continuing to squint at the paper in front of her, holding it up to her face and facing it toward the bright lamp on her desk.

"Willa, we both have a test tomorrow, we'll fail no matter what if we don't get any sleep."

"I have to finish this," Wednesday continued squinting at her paper, Enid groaning and getting out of bed, her feet dropping to the floor, clad in fluffy pink slippers. She walked over to Wednesday's desk, looking down at the papers that were scattered across it.

"Willa, some of these are from like, a month ago, they won't help you," she frowned. Wednesday lifted one up and squinted at it for three solid minutes, before nodding and setting it down. Enid yawned, sitting beside her, "okay, which one are you working on? I don't exactly know what I'm doing completely in most subjects, but I have a basic idea."

"What are you doing?" Wednesday met her eyes. She looked even worse than Enid from the exhaustion, shadows under her bloodshot eyes. Her hair was out of its usual braids, falling into her face. Hiding her.

"I'm gonna help you. It's the only way either of us will get any sleep," Enid put an arm around her shoulder, Wednesday ducking under it. Okay. Wednesday slid the paper she'd been looking at to Enid, who stared at it. "Okay. This is pretty basic math." Pretty basic math that Enid had seen Wednesday do a hundred times before that semester.

She walked her through it, reading the questions out loud. Wednesday caught on very quickly. She was probably just tired, that was why she hadn't been getting it before. They were both tired, she remembered, as her eyelids started drooping once more.

"There, all good?" Enid asked, Wednesday putting away the sheet of correctly completed math questions, nodding. Enid walked back over to her bed and face-planted into it, immediately falling back asleep.

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