I Need You More Than I Want to

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Wednesday was put in a fairytale-like coma and the only way to wake her up is from a true love's kiss. While in the coma, she also sees multiple visions of her future with her soulmate.

Ok. So. Let's say, hypothetically, Enid wasn't paying attention like she was supposed to. Maybe she caught a glimpse of the new Seventeen vinyl in the window of the Jericho music shop. Maybe she lost where Wednesday went, even though she was supposed to watch her.

But those are all hypotheticals...

She swore Wednesday was right next to her on the sidewalk one minute and then the next; she was gone.

Leave it to Wednesday to escape Enid's grasp after she looked away for literally a split second.

But who was Enid fooling? This situation was definitely her fault.

She promised Principal Weems she would keep an eye on Wednesday and then she went ahead and broke that promise all because of her stupid obsession with a K-Pop group.

She was absolutely livid with herself.

Now something happened to Wednesday because of her.


Yes, Enid Sinclair. The roommate and best friend, who was hopelessly in love with Wednesday Addams.

Now Wednesday was in some weird magical fairytale-like coma.

Who the fuck knew what actually happened?

Not her! Because she wasn't there!

In the middle of an alley, Wednesday was unconscious but breathing steadily when Enid located her.

To say Enid freaked out would be an understatement.

At first, she thought maybe she had a vision or maybe someone had hurt her. But Enid couldn't find a single scratch on the girl's body.

And before you ask... no, she did not lift up her shirt to check because that would be an invasion of privacy and Enid was all about consent. Plus, Wednesday hated touch, and she didn't want to break that boundary, even if the girl was unconscious—well, technically, she did carry her all the way back to the school, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

Enid used her heightened senses to try to detect any blood on her. She got a whiff of absolutely nothing. Nada.

Well, except for the familiar smell of ink and honey.

So here she was, currently watching Wednesday in a deep, peaceful slumber in the middle of the infirmary.

The wolf had been hovering over her since they got back.

Yoko had to practically push Enid away from the bed at least three times for her own sanity.

She already had to hear it from Principal Weems.

How did you lose her?!

Enid, I specifically assigned you this task because I trusted that you also had Wednesday's best interest at heart.

I'm incredibly disappointed, Ms. Sinclair.

Not like she hadn't heard that last one before.

In addition to being reprimanded, she was also mentally criticizing herself for what had happened.

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

Enid Sinclair, always the disappointment.

She could hear her mother's nagging and judgmental voice in the back of her head.

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