Bringing life

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Enid takes Wednesday to Build-A-Bear

"...and I thought, hey, Wednesday likes death and corpses, and sewing up and stuffing things, so I figured...", Enid starts as the two of them come around the corner in the mall, the werewolf gesturing grandly at the Build-A-Bear shop.
Her girlfriend stops dead in her tracks and her eyes widens.
"No", she says, simply.

Enid spins around to face her, grabbing her hands in excitement.
"Oh, come ooooon! I thought hard about this one, I swear!"
Wednesday is quiet.
"Just have a look around? You might find a little guy you'd like to take home and stare creepily at you!"
"Fine", Wednesday decides.
Enid squeals in joy.
"Yeeey!" she cheers, kissing Wednesday's cheek and proceeding to lead her towards the store by the hand.

Wednesday's gaze drifts all around the bright store as they enter, like she's suspicious, and Enid is careful to let her take her time and not push her further, staying in the background as the black haired girl silently and carefully starts looking over the selection. A shop assistant comes up, grabbing a rainbow colored teddy from a display shelf as she walks, getting Wednesday's attention from behind, startling her before Enid has the time to say anything.

"Hey, there! How about someone colorful to-", she starts, shoving the colorful bear into the girl's face.
Not able to back away, having the shelf right behind her, Wednesday ducks her head away and covers her eyes with her hand.
"No, no! She is allergic to color!" Enid cries, pulling at the assistant's arm.
"Allergic to color? There's no such thing", the shop assistant laughs.
"Tell that to my skin as it falls off my bones", Wednesday says, staring at her.
Her face twitches uncomfortably.
"The last reaction I had left me in the hospital for weeks", Wednesday continues.
"S-sorry", the shop worker stutters.

Wednesday goes back to looking through the boxes of the half-finished stuffies as the worker scurries off.
"Your skin will really fall off?" Enid asks, feeling growing concern.
Wednesday only answers with a noise, briefly toying with the tail of the cat plushie in the box they walk by. Enid doesn't ask any further, clasping her hands behind her back and following her girlfriend around the store, bouncing in her steps.

They come up to a new section of boxes, and as Wednesday looks down into one of them something in her changes. Slowly, she reaches down, lifting up the plushie. It's some kind of a wolf, with slight humanoid features and dark brown fur.
"Wait, is that a...?" Enid starts.
"A werewolf. A horribly cute one, mind you, but still a werewolf. I used to love them as a child", Wednesday says, lost in thoughts and memories as she looks at the dark fur.
After another moment she turns her head, looking at Enid.
"And I do love one now", she finishes, softly, Enid's heart swelling in her chest.
"I love you, too, Wednesday", she says, and Wednesday takes one of her hands, kissing her knuckles.

They find a new shop assistant, and as Wednesday presents her selection they are taken to a stuffing station. Wednesday stares as the werewolf plushie is filled up with the soft filling, and as she is given a heart to put inside it she politely tries to give it back.
"Does it come in black?" she asks.
"I, uh...", the shop worker starts.
"You won't be able to see it, you can just pretend it's black", Enid offers helpfully, leaning in over her shoulder.
"Not necessarily", Wednesday says.
Enid gasps.
"Wednesday! Don't tell me you are gonna cut up this little cutie!" she exclaims, accusingly yet fondly.
"I'd sew him back up, Enid. I'd never permanently mutilate anything that reminds me of you", Wednesday says, like it's completely obvious.
"Anyway...", the shop worker murmurs uncomfortably.

Wednesday turns her attention back to the worker, visibly reluctant as she puts the heart in the plushie, along with the noise box with whatever sound it is she chose. Enid asked, but she was told it's a surprise. It's Wednesday, after all, so she has no idea what to expect.
"Great. Now, this is the most important part: giving your new friend life!" the worker announces.
She can clearly see both Enid and Wednesday are older than the customers that playful manner was intended for, but maybe she feels the teenagers could use some of the childlike wonder. Enid almost feels bad for her, expecting Wednesday to scream at her that she's not a little child, and doesn't know what to think when Wednesday instead grabs the plushie from the worker's hands, lifting it up over her head.

"LIVE, MY CREATURE! LIVE!" she chants, darkly.
A small child starts to cry, and a mother moves her two children to the other side of the store. Enid wonders if she should try to stop her, but she also can't really stop staring: Wednesday is just so pretty when she's pretending to bring a corpse to life.
"What is she doing?" the worker asks, slightly concerned, taking a step closer to Enid.
"Giving her new friend life", Enid answers simply.

Seeming to decide she's done enough creepy chanting, Wednesday lowers the werewolf plushie, handing it over to the confused worker to get it sewed up.
"You looked forward to that, didn't you?" Enid asks her, affectionately teasing.
"Naturally", Wednesday answers.

The next step is clothes.
"Do you have anything fit for a funeral?" Wednesday asks, clutching the plushie to her chest.
"I... Let's have a look over here", the worker says, showing her a small clothes rack.

The werewolf ends up dressed in a black suit and cape, the worker opening up the database to get it registered. She turns to Wednesday.
"Do you know what you will name him?" she asks.
"Victor", Wednesday announces.
"A great name-"
"Victor Frankenstein", she finishes.
Ah, there's the Wednesday Enid knows and loves. The worker blinks.
"Sweetie, are you sure that's what you want to-?" she starts.
Behind Wednesday, Enid silently extends her claws on one of her hands, showing them to the worker.
"I mean, that's great. A great name."

Victor Frankenstein the werewolf gets a colorful "birth certificate", something Wednesday quickly peeks at before handing over her credit card.

The girlfriends go to an ice cream parlor next, Wednesday ending up admitting she likes the taste of her ice cream despite how colorful it is. As she's scraping up the last of the contents of her bowl, Enid notices the sticker on the werewolf plushie's paw where he is sticking up from the Build-A-Bear shopping bag, the sticker marking where you press for the toy to make a noise.

Curious, especially as she remembers being told it was a surprise, Enid presses the paw.

The plush toy releases a high, tormented shriek. Enid flinches in her seat. Flinches, and then bursts out laughing. Wednesday looks almost horrified at her reaction. Enid only grins.
"Please don't ever stop being you", she says, kissing Wednesday.
"Do not embarrass me in front of dr Frankenstein", Wednesday says, darkly, leaning in and kissing her back.

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