baby, you could be the death of me (literally)

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When Enid wakes up before Wednesday one morning, she makes sure to cause as much trouble (for her future self) as possible (by being an absolute simp for her girlfriend and playing around with her hair like a fool). Severe payback ensures

Enid woke up first that morning.

It happened rarely, but was more common when the full moon drew closer and her wolf became more restless inside her.

When she didn't feel the heavy sensation of icy but intense eyes boring into her skin, she was almost overjoyed, because waking up first meant that she got to do something she absolutely loved from the bottom of her heart but didn't usually get to do:

She was able to watch Wednesday sleep.

With an exceptional effort and care put into only shifting her eyes and not her entire body so she wouldn't alert the sleeping girl next to her and draw attention to the fact that she was awake, which would mean immediate game over for what she had planned to do, she stole a glance at the alarm clock on her bedside table and confirmed that she had woken up at least a half an hour before their usual time.

Half an hour before those cold dead eyes would glare at her with a focus that promised deathly precision, determination, and a fierce no-bullshit policy, especially in the morning, that should under no circumstance be violated if she wanted to keep her pelt on her skin and not see it as decoration on their dorm room floor, that is.

Yes, Wednesday was usually a grouch, but even she didn't seem to be able to steer clear of the effects that the curse of being a night owl and not a morning person could have on someone, which made her an even bigger, deadlier grouch in the morning before she's had her usual quad over ice. 

Funny, it almost made her seem human.

What didn't make her seem human though, was the incredible talent and skill she so freely expressed in imitating a fresh corpse, delivered to Enid right from the morgue, when she slept. Which also turned watching her sleep more into an open casket viewing than something... conventionally romantic like you'd read in a romance novel.

At least in Enid's book– she knew that in Wednesday's book the only thing more romantic than seeing the dead corpse of your partner in a casket that she had undoubtedly chosen herself  (or had maybe even hand-made? Addamses loved to do stuff like that) was being able to lie right beside them, even when she wasn't dead herself yet.

So no, Enid didn't love watching Wednesday sleep because it was romantic and Wednesday looked oh so peaceful – because she didn't. Sometimes she managed to wear a 'content' scowl to bed when she induced her sleep with nightmares by recounting extraordinarily gruesome murder cases – which Enid had to be out of the room or blare her music very loudly through her earphones for so she wouldn't be affected by them – and sometimes she even started listing off particularly gory murder fantasies into the night when she was dreaming, or, more unfortunately, right into Enid's ear, which usually sent shivers down her spine even if she knew they weren't meant for her (or so she hoped).

No, the reason she loved watching Wednesday sleep was because she reveled in the fact that she was the only one – probably the only person in the world really – who was allowed to do so.

A generous and one of a kind permission granted by Wednesday herself.

Although, yes, as you might have guessed, even the reasoning for that had been rather... macabre in a very Wednesday kind of fashion.

"You are a magnificent, powerful predator, Enid, a killing machine that could snuff out my life at a moment's notice. One quick swipe of your sharp claws over my carotid and I could be bleeding out on the floor in seconds. Allowing you to watch me sleep is like asking a predator to analyze its prey, find its weak spots, giving myself to a potential death that I would not be able to see coming, and that is something that excites me immensely. I want you to hold that power over me and I want you to abuse that power as much as you see fit."

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