I Bite My Tongue (It's A Bad Habit)

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Halfway through the new semester Enid had managed to talk Wednesday into coming to a party that Yoko was throwing at an old house in the outer edges of the forest surrounding Nevermore.

Halfway through the new semester Enid had managed to talk Wednesday into coming to a party that Yoko was throwing at an old house in the outer edges of the forest surrounding Nevermore. She was almost positive Wednesday would have told her no at least a dozen more times before threatening her life but when she asked the second time her gloom and doom roommate had simply sighed, grabbed her jacket, and opened the door glaring in Enid's direction. Enid squealed but cut it short so as to not agitate Wednesday and grabbed her jacket as well, heading out with a smile and a skip in her step.

"Wends do you want a drink?" Enid asked with a giggle as she sipped on her second mixed drink of the night.

"If you're trying to get me drunk it won't happen with a grotesque spiked punch." Wednesday responded with a hint of a smile tugging at the left side of her mouth.

Enid noticed. Enid always noticed.

"I can ask Yoko for some wine, I know she brought some." Enid winked in Wednesday's direction and went off to find Yoko.

Wednesday didn't regret coming to Yoko's party, she was actually doing quite well adjusting to the friend group that Enid spent most of her spare time with. They had gone on multiple 'friend dates' with the entire group to Wednesday's dismay, but Enid had made a point to put aside time specifically for Wednesday. Enid returned with a glass in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, her own red cup held in her mouth by the rim. Her smile was still wide, baring all her teeth, and her sharp werewolf fangs peeked out ever so slightly causing Wednesday to glance down at her mouth as she reached for the bottle.

Again. Enid noticed.

There were times that Enid could swear everything around her came to a halt leaving only the girl in front of her animated in black and white and-

"Wednesday, is one of your nails pink?"

Animated in black and white and a faint blush in her cheeks laced with her freckles and pale complexion. It was like a drug to Enid to make an Addams blush.

"It's your favorite color according to Thing." And that's where it was left.

Wednesday pulled a knife from the pocket of her jeans and uncorked the bottle before, biting the cork off the knife and putting her knife away before retrieving the glass from Enid's still extended hand. The way she served her drink was fluid and delicate, a task Enid could never have managed with such ease as she had definitely spilled her own drink on her hand as it was poured. Everything Wednesday did was fluid and delicate in Enid's eyes.

"Enid, is there somewhere specific I'm supposed to put this wine or am I allowed to keep it for myself?"

"Oh Yoko brought two bottles of wine just for you, she said she didn't want to experience you sober while everyone else was drunk."

"Right, a thank you is in order then."

Wednesday walked in the direction of what she hoped was the kitchen, a giggling Enid behind her grabbing onto the belt loop of her jeans so as not to lose her to the crowd of Nevermore students in their path. This time last year Enid was still at a loss on how to get close to Wednesday and now they lived in close proximity almost every second of every day. Neither ever broached the subject of what they were and no one else wanted to chance asking and upsetting their balance so they just lived in this tandem existence as roommates but also something else.

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