Dancing On My Own

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At the Rave'N, Enid and Wednesday danced on their own.

Seven years later, they still danced on their own in a dingy club at one in the morning.

Tonight was supposed to be perfect. She had imagined this night since she entered Nevermore Academy, a dolly little pup with the perfect high school story planned out in her pretty head. First, it would be endless hours of planning and prepping the dance with a committee dedicated to making the occasion as extravagant as possible. Second, she would find the perfect boy who would sweep her off her feet. He would make her feel like the most beautiful werewolf in the pack. They would dance in the center of the room, oblivious to the world around them. Then they would share their first kiss, cementing their eternal bond. Third, they will run off into the full moon, hand in hand. Giddy laughter. Messy kisses. Ruffled dress.

It was supposed to be the most magical night of her life. But things did not go according to plan.

First, her dream boy flaked out on their first date. Second, he did not even ask her to be his date at the Rave'N. Third, now they were awkwardly avoiding each other at the said dance.

Enid Sinclair felt the curious eyes on her and the whispered gossip spreading among her peers. She and Ajax were supposed to be the 'It' couple. Everyone knew Bianca and Xavier were on some rocky slope, so it fell onto Enid to fill that spot. Instead, she was alone.

Well, she wasn't. Lucas Walker was her date for the dance. This was not planned nor did she foresee this. At first, she thought it was going to work out. He asked her first. They planned to go together to make their respective partners jealous. He wasn't that bad-looking. There was some charm to him. It would also make her peers gawk that a normie was at an outcast party. That will get the gossip train rolling.

But, again, things did not go as planned. Instead, Enid was left alone. She could feel Ajax's eyes on her, both in disgust but also in yearning. If he was jealous, Enid knew she might have made their situation worse.

Her inner wolf told her to grow up and talk to him; enough of this game of chasing the tail in circles, wolf up and confront him. She was Enid Sinclair, one of the most popular outcasts of the school. She spent her Nevermore career working her way up the social hierarchy, clawing at higher class where even Bianca Barclay had to respect her.

But she didn't. Oh, Ophelia, she knew it was immature. Enid had given plenty of advice to her friends such as, "Communication is key, you need to talk to him", "You need to just talk to her. Hash it out and be open", and "Just talk it out. You will feel better if you do".

Enid needed to take her own advice.

So she stood awkwardly by herself, smiling at her peers as they walked by. With whatever dignity she had left, she tried to play it off as 'Oh, she can't be bothered. Work bitch.' But it stung. It stung so much. Divina and Yoko were dancing together, rocking their bodies against each other without a care in the world. Yoko left her shades and opted for beautiful eye makeup that accentuated her vampiric beauty. Divina tied her hair back, opting to wear a similar suit as her brother. She knew she was handsome since Yoko couldn't seem to get her hands off of her.

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