Are you tired of me yet? (I'm a little sick right now..)

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When the Addams love curse finally catches up to Wednesday and she has to face the consequences

A faint doorbell ring penetrated the eery silence. It felt hundreds of times louder than it would in any other house but this was a manor, belonging to Wednesday Addams. A successful yet anonymous author of several books like "The Silence", based on all of her Adventures in Nevermore, particularly the forest that was hidden in a thick fog and a goosebumps-sending silence.

A slight sigh of annoyance rang out and footsteps followed shortly after. The now 5'6 goth bent down, staring at the awfully colourful mail. A glove was torn out of its designated pocket and slipped onto her slim, bony, pale, fingers. A sharp snap as it hit her wrist. She slowly picked up the colourful letter before standing up. She now disappeared from the spotlight, trodding into the living room where she had been sitting previously. The raging heat from the fireplace set an orange hue on her face. The letter let out small and silent snaps as the glue separated from the paper, before being flipped over, revealing the paper inside. It slowly slipped out of its position and unfolded. Coffee-brown eyes stared, slowly moving left to right, every word being processed in her mind.

"Wedding Invitation Letter"

"Hey, Wednesday! It's been a few years... You're lucky i have all of your books and could decipher who it was just based on the writing! I haven't seen you since high school back at the dorms. You have no idea how upset i was when you didn't return the following year. I can assure you though, I'm not mad at your or anything like that. It's pretty obvious why I'm sending you this letter. Ajax proposed to me a few months ago.. well, like 7 months ago. I couldn't tell you because i didn't have your number or anything. If you're wondering why i didn't send you a letter, it's because i hadn't convinced Eugene to tell me where you were back then... Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm sure you're telling me to take my ADHD Meds right now, aren't you? Anyway, I hope to see you at the wedding."


"It's in a week, by the way.."

"-Lots of Love, Enid (soon to be) Petropolus xoxo"

She sighed, pinching her nose. Her grammar is still as horrible as it was in high school. She thought. Her eyes scanned the letter over again before she began to write a reply.

She wonders how she got here, standing in an uncomfortable tuxedo with tight gloves on. Nobody has seemed to even notice her yet. Approaching a crowd, she sighed before slowly beginning to try and push her way through the crowd of still-hormonal bodies. Enid practically invited the whole of Nevermore to her Wedding. The seer took a deep breath as she exited the crowd, arriving at the snack table. She definitely should have worn braids. Just as she was filling up a white cup with alcohol, a shriek ran through the room.

"No way! I can identify that silky smooth, shiny hair anywhere!"

She sighed, the voice belonged to Enid. She tipped her head back, taking a big sip of her drink, enjoying the burn in her through for several seconds before turning around, and spotting the blue-eyed bride. This time not blonde. It was a brunette colour. It fitted her oddly well.

"Your hair.."
"Your hair.."

Wednesday cleared her throat. "You first.." The brunette giggled. "I see miss addams is finally mellowing out?"

"Never. More like evolving." The brunette's smile widened.

"Quoting Nevermore, how delightful." She whispered, her eyes gazing over the seer's features, from her freckles to her cheekbones.

"What happened to your hair, Sinclair?" Enid snapped out of her trance, her hand raising to touch her hair a little.

"I wanted to try something more natural. Rather than ruin these beautiful brunette locks with hair dye." Wednesday blinked for several seconds.

"Your not blonde?" The brunette went quiet for a second before she broke out into quiet laughs, shaking her head. It took her several moments to calm down.

"Okay, come on." Her warm hand snaked into Wednesday's, interlocking their fingers, sending shocks of electricity up the goth's arm. "I want to show you my dress.." She whispered, dragging the Addams off somewhere.

She found herself wondering how she ended up in this position again. Watching from afar. Watched as they both whispered, 'I do.'. That should be them. The goth had known Enid was bisexual yet continued to keep her feelings a secret, not wanting to accept them herself. Her hand raised, as she took another swig of her brown alcohol. Wednesday couldn't help but notice the metallic taste in her mouth as they lean in to kiss. Time is slowly creeping up on her. Her sickness is devouring her. She can feel her lungs burning, but she stays. Watching as his lips press against hers. She felt the petals begin to fall from the sky, falling out of thrown flowers. People like Yoko, Bianca, Xavier, Kent and Divina stood up, whooping loudly. While others like Eugene and Pugsley began to cry. Wednesday did neither. Her cheeks began to tighten, her mouth widening and curling upwards. She watched as Enid turned to the chaos of a crowd, her head resting on Ajax's chest as tears ran down his cheeks.

She felt the sharp pain as a thorn, no. Thorns. impaled her lungs, but she didn't show the slightest hint of pain. She just stared as her mouth widened into a soft smile, her eyes closing. A wide, yet soft toothy smile on her face. She was in so much pain but her heart felt at rest. Enid was happy.

Eugene wiped his tears, turning to his left to look at his friend. Only for his expression to collapse into horror.

"Wednesday? Wednesday you're bleeding!"

She knew. She was aware that she was bleeding, it trickled down her lips, and her teeth were painted a crimson red. Her chest violently heaving as she began to choke on the blood that was pooling in her lungs and painting her throat red.

Her blood ran cold at the sight. Wednesday Addams, slowly toppling over to the side, blood staining her teeth lips and chin.

"WEDNESDAY!" She practically shoved Ajax off, catching the attention of the crowd as she ran down the aisle, toward her friend whose head had just hit the velvet carpet. Whoops turned into screams as they caught sight of the body. The brunette collapsed onto the floor, gently picking up the noirette's head. "Wends... Wends... What's wrong? Hey, you gotta tell me what's wrong!" She yelled. Something about her eyes was different. They were shinier than normal. Her pupils were dilated and her body shook like a leaf. Fear. "Wednesday what's w-"

She gasped before her chest began to heave, waves of blood violently pooling out of her mouth as she coughed. Yet her eyes remained focused on Enid's. The crowd around her was deadly silent besides the faint calls for 911. Her hands and her dress were covered in a sickening.

"Enid.." It was obvious she was choking on her blood as she spoke, quiet gurgling. Her blue eyes began to water, tears falling onto the goth's body. She constantly thought that now is no time to be crying, Enid.

"I'm... sorry about.." She took a deep breath, before coughing up some more blood. "ruining.. your wedding.." Enid's grip on the seer tightened.

"Hey, don't apologise.. okay?.. you gotta stop talking, the ambulance with be here soon.. just stop talking, focus on breathing.." There was no way this was happening.

"Your beautiful dress.. is.." Her stomach was visibly wrenching as a horrifying amount of blood erupted from her throat, and a sickeningly loud splash hit the soaked carpet. People wretched in the background. "Ruined.."

Enid's smiled despite her shaking and her tears. "Don't worry about the fucking dress, Wends... I just need to you get through this.. please.."

She'd be a liar if she said she didn't feel her energy slowly draining. Not slowly.. very quickly... Enid began to visibly panic as the goth non-stop began to cough on blood, violently choking on it, wave after wave of the crimson liquid falling down her face. "Hey! No! No! NO! NO! WEDNESDAY! PLEASE!" The tears that were in her eyes finally escaped her eyes.

"I'm-cough sorry." Her vision began to blur and her hearing was slowly going. She could see the brunette crying, begging her to stay awake. Her eyelids felt excruciatingly heavy.

I just.. want to rest.. for a... while..

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