Start with Snow

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Nevermore experiences it's first snowfall of the year. Enid is thrilled. Wednesday is less then thrilled.

And she's cold. Very cold.

Wednesday winced the moment she woke up to a long gasp. Nothing good ever followed Enid's long gasps. "Thing," she murmured, rolling over and burying her head in her pillow, "take care of whatever it is." Cold air hit her the moment she moved from her warm spot. Not a pleasant, blistering cold, as in one that brought you a step closer to death. It was an annoying cold instead, one that started in her feet and slowly spread up the rest of her body, leaving her to cope with maddening shivers that reminded her of her humanity rather than her impending mortality. Enid squealed from her side of the room,

"Wednesday, oh my god, look! Okay, you might actually hate this. But you won't believe it!"

"If it's visual then I will," Wednesday said, "seeing isn't necessarily believing, but -"

"-Sshhh, come look," Enid walked over, pressing a finger to her lips. Wednesday blinked, getting out of bed. She immediately started to tremble. Enid stood in front of their large window, bouncing on her toes. Wednesday stood beside her, crossing her arms to her chest.

Fresh snow coated the ground, burning her eyes as the sun shined against it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Enid asked, pressing her hand against the glass.

"Yes, in an eye-burning sort of way."

"That's what you always call the best kind of beautiful," Enid said, her voice resembling what Wednesday imagined an excited child would sound like. Thankfully, she didn't have any excited children in her life. Just Enid. Wednesday shivered again, stepping to the side to hide it, her arms still wrapped firmly around herself. "We have to go out."

"We don't have classes today," Wednesday said, going back to her bed and laying on top of her covers. She had personally planned to spend the day lurking around the school. Her mother would be proud. The thought both disgusted and vaguely excited her. She looked out the window again, snow still lightly falling. Of course Enid loved the snow. It was disgusting and annoying. She glanced over at Enid.

Annoying things could sometimes be good.

"We need to go out right now. Come on, before everyone else is out!"

"Considering the age range of our school I highly doubt people are going to be -" she paused, looking out the window. There were people outside already, "- never mind, I stand corrected."

"I love it when I heard those words from you," Enid dug around a multi-colored mess of clothes, pulling out mittens, a hat, and a jacket. Wednesday watched her put them on, not moving from her bed,

"I don't have the necessary clothing to go outside for extended periods of time in this weather," she said.

"I know. I've gotcha covered. I knew you probably didn't have anything suited for the weather after I went through your clothes -"

"- You went through my clothes? When?" Wednesday didn't mind the fact that Enid had been digging through her things, Enid didn't have the authority required to lock Wednesday up in a psychiatric hospital. She was more curious about how Enid had done it without her knowing. Perhaps the girl was more slippery than she knew.

"Doesn't matter, I bought you this," Enid held up a pair of black gloves, "and another jacket, that will actually keep you warm. And, tada, a hat!" She held up the most ridiculous black beanie Wednesday had ever laid eyes on. "And they're all your size too. Tiny." Wednesday didn't grace that with a response, getting out of her bed and walking over, examining the articles of clothing. She slid on one of the gloves, her eyes almost widening as she noticed it was a perfect fit.

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