You're my favorite color

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Awh y'all are so sweet saying my writing is rlly good and all thank you all so much for reading this <3

Wednesday has been struggling as her visions have increased. Enid wants to help in any way she can

Wednesday had been under the false, and naive, belief that her visions would stop plaguing her with Crackstone's death and the school having been saved.

The unsettling truth is that they have gotten worse in the last weeks.

They usually show her nonsense, random events of misfortune happening to people she encounters, and like she was told Goody isn't anywhere to be contacted, on this side nor the other. She has even resorted to seances again, but it seems her life was saved for the prize of her ancestor's presence and advice.

When the visions start interfering with her ability to focus and in extent her school work, she is sent to the nurse and prescribed an assortment of ointments, herbs, pendants and charms, all of which only had minor effects, if any. When she calls her parents and tells them about her distress, after Thing and Enid insist she does so after noticing how she is struggling, she does not feel better by the fact that Morticia almost starts to cry upon being informed of her condition. Her mother insists that they travel to the school to give her support, but Wednesday promises them they will be going home in caskets if they do so: she already has more than enough on her plate.

Thank Hades she still has beekeeping club, and Enid.

Her werewolf girlfriend has been more than patient with her. Especially so since Wednesday's color sensitivity has been flaring up due to her exhaustion and annoyance at the visions: while they could hang out on Enid's bed for limited amounts of time before, even a few minutes of this now has Wednesday's skin itching and turning red.

She has been frantically been banishing the thought that, if things get any worse, she may quite literally have allergic reactions to her girlfriend.

Enid in hammering her fist against Xavier's dorm door, her claws out in her distress.

The door starts to open.
"Hey, Aja- Enid?" Xavier asks, stunned by his clear confusion.
Enid gets right on the subject:
"How do I help someone struggling with their visions?"
"I, Uh... What?"
She allows herself to take a breath.
"Psychic visions."
"Your dad's the most famous psychic there is. You must know something about what it's like. Please", Enid says, tears spilling over in desperation.

Realization seems to dawn on Xavier.
"It's about Wednesday, isn't it?"
Enid nods, drying her tears with her colorful cardigan sleeve, careful not to let her claws anywhere near her face.
"She's... She's been struggling so much. I love her so much, I want to help her, but I don't know how", she says.
Nodding, Xavier lets her inside the room, but he still seems hesitant.
"You shouldn't be here. Girls aren't allowed in here", he says.
Enid holds up a clawed hand, baring her fangs.
"If someone tries to tell me I can't be somewhere to help my girlfriend, they should know I've got claws and they should watch out for them", she growls.

Xavier takes a step back.
"Alright, of course I'll help, just calm down."

Returning to their dorm room after beekeeping club, Wednesday always tends to be calm in a way that is unfortunately rare for her these days. Turning to her and Enid's door, she opens it, only to be stunned into staring at what she finds inside.

The room itself looks like it should, but in the middle of it, a large sheet is suspended over some chairs, creating something like a fort. Wednesday is still staring at it, wary, when Enid peeks her head out from the fort.
"What is this?" Wednesday asks, slowly closing the door behind her.
"You've had a rough time lately, and I wanted to do something special for you", Enid explains.
"So, you... Built a fort in our room?"
"Exactly! Xavier said it's important you feel calm and safe-"
"Xavier?" Wednesday questions, harshly, having walked into the room and sat her backpack down on her side of it.

Enid crawls out from the fort, standing up.
"I asked him for help with how to help you. You know his father is a psychic, too", she explains, calmly.
Wednesday hesitates, slowly turning to her.
"I never asked you to do that", she says.
"You didn't have to. You are my girlfriend, and I love and want to help you in any way that I can", Enid says immediately.
Wednesday inhales. Letting her words sink in.
"Thank you", she says.
"Of course, my Raven. Get changed into something more comfortable and come join me", she says, gently, going back into the fort.

Trading her school uniform for a soft sweater and pants, Wednesday goes over to the fort, crutching down and preparing for the onslaught of colors she assumes is to come as she moves the sheet aside, crawling in.

It's anticlimactic, in the best way.

Black and white pillows and blankets cover the floor, Wednesday's favorite plush, the fluffy, large spider, sitting on one of the pillows. Enid is dressed in a black pajamas set, and for a second this has Wednesday's brain short-circuiting: Enid loves colors. Does she love Wednesday more than she loves colors? Wednesday fails to see why that would be.

The lack of colors has a deep calmness already settling inside Wednesday, even more so as she grabs the spider plushie, holding it to her chest, just sitting and breathing deeply. Enid doesn't say anything, doesn't make any move to move from where she is seated. Wants to give her space, Wednesday realizes.
"This is nice. Thank you", she says, quietly.
"Of course. I'm happy you like it", Enid replies.
The corners of Wednesday's mouth curl up into a smile briefly.

They sit silently, for a few minutes, before Wednesday starts to scoot closer to Enid. Slowly, bit by bit, feeling the need for physical affection but wanting to keep taking it slow. Enid lets her, silently staying seated. When she gets over to her, Enid lifts her arm, a silent invitation without any pushing, and Wednesday curls in under her arm, still holding the spider plush close. Holding her, Enid starts playing with one of her braids, gently and soothingly.

"You love colors", Wednesday comments once she feels ready to speak, a question hidden in the statement as she runs her finger down the soft, black silk of Enid's pajamas.
Enid shakes her head.
"Nah. I like colors. I love you", she clarifies.
Wednesday stares at her, her lips parting some in wonder. She leans in, and Enid's lips meet hers halfway, the werewolf's hand coming up to cup Wednesday cheek very gently as they kiss.
"I love you, too. Thank you so much for this", Wednesday says as they pull apart.
"You need to stop thanking me, okay? I want to make you happy", Enid says.
She pauses, gazing into Wednesday's eyes.
"Or unhappy, maybe, by your standards", she says.
Wednesday hums in confirmation.

Another moment of silence passes by, and Wednesday curls in closer to Enid, getting comfortably nuzzled into the werewolf's arms.
"Unhappy, my Raven?" Enid asks, sincere care behind the question while her voice is still light with amusement of the wording.
Wednesday, having closed her eyes in relaxation, opens them.
"Extremely", she replies, with a sight of complete contentment.

This will probably not cure her from the visions, but now she knows that, no matter how bad things seem, Enid will always be there for her.

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