This Moment

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Enid realizes some things about Wednesday. Specifically, that she might love her.

Just when Enid thought things couldn't get any worse, it started to rain. And of course, the storm reached its peak the moment she decided to walk back to her room.

"Enid, you don't have to go yet -" Ajax started, Enid crossing her arms to her chest and continuing to walk. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, following behind her. No. He'd never intentionally done anything wrong to her. He was everything a romantic partner should be, everything a boy should be. She liked him.

But she hated how she couldn't control herself around him. She hated that her claws slipped out. She hated that she hated the feeling the girls around her seemed to relish. The uncertainty. The heat rising to her cheeks. The embarrassment. Was that what a crush was supposed to feel like? She liked Ajax. He was a good person. A good friend. She liked making out with him in particular. But her mind blanked beyond that. She had no dreams for the future. She had been so preoccupied with securing his affection that she hadn't considered what was supposed to happen beyond that.

Most of all, she had no intimate dreams of his body. Intimate dreams were embarrassing, yes, but common in most teenagers, outcasts no exception. And a werewolf's lust was supposed to be stronger than their peers, according to everything Enid had heard.

And yet she had no natural curiosity of Ajax's body, beyond his lips and his face. Her natural curiosity was directed towards a less... socially acceptable person.

Her roommate, to be exact. Wednesday Addams. What had started as a curiosity had quickly sprung into more of a passion. Wednesday was unlike anyone she had ever met before. Did a girl with such a cold, solemn face look just like any other being, below what Enid saw? Of course, she'd watched the other girl undress before. The sight of it lingered longer in her mind than the feeling of Ajax's hands ever did.

Enid walked away from Ajax and into the pouring rain, wincing as it stung her face from the sheer force it was coming down in. She was soaked within seconds. Regardless, she pushed on, the thought of a warm room her driving factor. Her day had been less than ideal. She'd gotten a B on a test. She usually got all A's, all the time. Also, her mother had sent her a letter, her letters always more of a heartache than a comfort. She hadn't been able to find Wednesday all day, even during lunch. Meaning she'd sat alone during lunch. The other werewolves still weren't exactly fond of her.

And now it was raining, and she was wet. Hooray. She tried to keep her regular smile on her face as climbed up the stairs to her room, shivering. She opened the door, finding Wednesday sitting at her desk, her fingers clicking away at her typewriter. Thing was rested on her shoulder, overseeing the words being written. Enid stood awkwardly in the doorway, dripping water. Wednesday turned around after a minute, taking in the situation for a moment before standing up,

"You're back late," she said.


"You're usually back two hours before now."

"And you're usually around during lunch, at least," Enid said more harshly than intended, regretting her words the moment they left her mouth. She quickly set to drying herself off, avoiding eye contact with her roommate. Wednesday sat down on the edge of her bed, looking over at Enid,

"Thing and I were taking care of an important matter."

"So basically, you spent the entire day endangering your life?"

"Essentially," Wednesday said lightly, her eyes drifting back to her typewriter.

"I had the worst day," Enid said, flopping down on her own bed, the covers of which looked like "a rainbow had suffocated, exploded, and bled the brightest blood possible on," as Wednesday had once put it while in the throes of a fever. Wednesday's eyes settled back on her. And they didn't move away. She was listening. Wednesday listened more than most people knew, as much as she liked to feign indifference. "I got a B on a test."

"That's an acceptable grade," Wednesday said, Thing crawling down from her shoulder and across the room, climbing up Enid's bed and resting beside her. Enid smiled, giving him a fistbump.

"Not to my mom, if she finds out she won't be very happy. Speaking of my mom, I got a letter from her today. It was all of the usual, 'have you wolfed out yet? You're a disappointment. Have you found a werewolf young man to consider being courted by?' Ugh."

"I suppose Ajax isn't an acceptable choice to her," Wednesday said quietly.

"Oh, god, then there's Ajax. It's all so weird. You're lucky you don't have anything to do with boys, Willa, they're so confusing," she buried her head in her pillow. Her bed was wet now, as she wasn't completely dried off.

"I've found myself more concerned with males than I would like to be, lately," Wednesday said.

"Like Xavier and Tyler?" Enid asked, sitting up.

"Yes. Lately, I've had a harder time than usual obtaining the information I need from them."

"That's not a very good reason to pursue boys, Wednesday."

"Neither is compulsory heterosexuality, Enid."


"What?" The girls stared at each other, their truths laid bare in front of them. Enid pursued boys because she felt like she had to (and she did like the basic physical part of it). Wednesday pursued boys to solve mysteries. They were tiring truths. Too tiring for a single night. Wednesday rose from her best and slowly moved across the room, joining Enid and Thing.

Before Enid could say anything, Wednesday's fingers were in her hair. They were welcome, if not unexpected, and Enid shivered. Wednesday was gentle, as she ran her fingers through Enid's wet hair. Suddenly the day she'd had seemed distant, her mothers' loathing taking second place in her mind.

Wednesday, her friend, and maybe something somewhat more, took first. In that moment, she was all that mattered to Enid. She was the one who accepted Enid, when others didn't. And Enid was the one who accepted her, when others definitely didn't.

Ajax, her mind whispered.

Wednesday, her heart whispered.

This moment, the rain whispered, quiet and calm as it washed away what had passed.

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