50 shades of red

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Who else is single on valentines day?

(yes ik im a day late i forgot to post it yesterday)

13 055 words

Valentine's Day is round the corner, and Enid joins the team in charge of organising Valentine's activities. Wednesday joins too, just to make sure Enid doesn't spend too much time with Ajax. She's not jealous, totally not (at least that's what she thinks).

But maybe after this she'll finally come to terms with her growing feelings for Enid and learn to love.

The start of Wednesday's doom came three weeks before Valentine's Day, in the form of a flyer that had been slipped under each of the students' room doors in Nevermore.

Just one look at the flyer and Wednesday knew it was nothing good. It was an eyesore with its clashing combination of bright pink and deep red hues, together with random heart-shaped clipart scattered around the page. "Come join the team to organise Valentine's Day games! You won't regret it!" was printed big across, in a mix of cursive and block letters that clashed horribly.

Wednesday glared at the flyer and made her way to the opposite side of the room, leaving it on the floor near the door. The colours were so offensive to her eyes, she would much rather individually pluck out all her fingernails and leave it to bleed.

She guessed she'd just leave it to her roommate Enid to get rid of it, after all Enid practically dressed in those bright pink colours every day. She really didn't understand why people would wear colours when the lack of it was so much better (but somehow, although she'd never admit it, Enid actually looked good in everything she wore, including fluorescent yellow).

Speaking of the devil, Enid burst into the room, the customary big smile on her face that made Wednesday feel like she was staring straight at the sun itself.

"Howdy, roomie!" Enid chirped out. She looked more excited than normal, but it wasn't like Wednesday had memorised every single expression of Enid's (she had). "I was in Yoko's room just now, and she got a flyer to join the Valentine's Day preparation team!"

"We got one too, if you must know. Kindly dispose of it in the rubbish bin and leave me to do my writing in peace." Wednesday crossed her arms over her chest and waited for Enid to get rid of the bright pink flyer lying on the ground.

"Get rid of it? No way! I'm joining the team!" Enid announced, beaming as though she had just been given a new torture chamber instead of an invitation to join the Valentine's Day team. "It would be so fun, Willa! Wanna join too?"

Wednesday pinned her with an unblinking stare that would have sent anyone else cowering in fear. "Ask that again and the only things you'll be joining are the corpses in the graveyard."

Enid, much to her chagrin, wasn't fazed at all. "You should join in, soak up some of the holiday spirit."

If there were two things Wednesday hated, it would be holidays and love, and Valentine's Day was a holiday about love. No way in hell would she ever 'soak up some of the holiday spirit'. "Enid, if you value your life-"

"Yeah yeah, I know, but really, Willa. I'm going, and my friends are going. Yoko, Divina, Xavier, Bianca, Ajax..."

Enid rattled off a few more names, but Wednesday was just fixed on one name. Ajax .

It was no secret that Ajax had a huge crush on Enid, and everyone except for Enid already knew that.

Wednesday's fists clenched just the slightest. Whenever she thought of Ajax, not to mention Ajax with Enid, a weird feeling would always rise up within her, a feeling that she wished would go away. She didn't know why she was feeling that way, and she hated things she didn't know about. It was a feeling almost akin to... jealousy.

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