The Nightmares of a Wolf pt3

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Wednesday spent what seemed like hours—in reality, it was only thirty minutes—aimlessly wandering around the hotel; her mind a million miles away.

She was overwhelmed with a sense of dread and confusion as she wracked her brain for a way to help Enid.

The fluorescent lights of the vending machine made the colorful snacks seem like they were glowing, temporarily blinding her eyes when she spotted one of Enid's favorite snacks.

A strawberry sugar wafer.

Wednesday was disgusted by the excessive sweetness of the werewolf's favorite treat; she could hardly bear it when Enid forced her to try it the first time.

Wednesday felt around inside her pocket for coins. Then she heard the satisfying thunk as she dropped them into the machine, followed by the click of the buttons as she pressed them. The wafer got lodged in the vending machine and if someone heard some banging out in the hallway; it was definitely not her aggressively kicking the machine until the wafer fell out.

Taking her time walking back towards their hotel room, Wednesday tried to figure out what to say to Enid once she got there.

Enid's ears perked up as she heard the distinct sound of Wednesday's combat boots thumping against the floor in the hotel hallway.

The blonde girl spun her head around to face Wednesday the moment the door opened.

"Wednesday..." Enid breathed out in relief.

"Enid," Wednesday said flatly, her steps heavy as she marched towards the bed and placed the strawberry sugar wafer onto the mattress.

"What's thi—Oh. Wow! Thank you, Wends." Enid's lips curled into a faint smile as her fingers grasped the snack, putting it in her lap.

Wednesday gave a brief, sharp nod in response.

"Listen. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I feel so, so bad."

"Enid, it's alright. I am aware that you are going through a strenuous time and are possibly feeling overwhelmed. If anything, I should apologize for my stubbornness." Wednesday sat next to Enid, their shoulders and knees lightly brushing against each other.

"No, I was such a jerk for no reason, and you were only trying to help. I'm such a horrible friend. I understand if you don't want to talk to me—"

"Nonsense," Wednesday interjected as she shook her head. "Why would I stop speaking to you over something as trivial as that?"

With a shrug, Enid looked away and Wednesday heard the sniffle of her quiet tears.

Wednesday started to panic internally once more. Did she say something wrong?

She sought to rectify the situation, so she returned the focus to the snack. "I bought the snack for you in an attempt to make you feel better. Again, I apologize if my insistence was particularly vexing," she said, which made Enid whip her head around once more.

Enid was quick to reassure her. "No! Wends, you didn't do anything wrong, I promise. I'm just being overly emotional. I think maybe I'm just PMSing."

"You believe your premenstrual syndrome has something to do with this?" Wednesday asked, raising her eyebrow inquisitively.

Enid nodded her head, not meeting Wednesday's eyes, and the seer could sense she was not telling the truth.

"Enid... what is really wrong?"

A drawn-out sigh escaped the blonde's lips before she replied.

"It's embarrassing..." she began. When Wednesday only looked at her expectantly, she begrudgingly continued.

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