A Stand-Up Gal

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Enid has been waiting for Ajax to show up to their date for multiple hours now, and is ready to give up. Luckily, a certain someone is there to save the day.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The clock on the wall of the weathervane served as a constant reminder that Ajax was late to their date. So late in fact, that the people around her had begun to stare in pity as she sat there mindlessly staring out the window.

Her stomach rumbled, yet the girl didn't move from her seat to order food. He'll be here. Her coffee had gone cold but she didn't want to spend any more money incase the gorgon forgot his wallet again. He'll be here. The sunlight had begun disappearing from the sky but she knew, he'll be here.

Enid Sinclair had been waiting for her boyfriend to arrive for their date since noon. A glance at the clock on the wall showed that it was already 5 o' clock. She sighed, before looking around at the diner. The barista behind the counter had been staring at her in pity for hours, sometimes walking over and asking if she'd like something to eat. She'd say no even as her stomach loudly rumbled in response. A few people had stopped by and asked if she was okay, but she was able to dissuade them with a simple "I'm fine."

So she sat, even as the clock on the wall read 6, and then 7. She knew there was only a few hours left until the weathervane closed all together, but still, she knew. He'll be here.

So she waited, occasionally pulling out her phone and scrolling mindlessly through whatever new posts had appeared before slipping her phone back into her pocket.

They had been planning this date for over a week. Had he stoned himself again? She knew it was a distinct possibility, but if he had then he would've been free by now. Maybe he didn't think to check up with her? The thought made her heart ache.

She thought back to earlier, when Wednesday had invited her out to go hunting for a new mystery. While tempted to spend the day with her roommate, even if they definitely would've been doing something illegal, she turned her down to go on this stupid date instead. No, he'll be here.

Enid sighed, slamming her head onto the table in front of her. She heard a few gasps echo out from the people sitting around her but found she didn't care. Slowly, she lifted her head up and looked back out towards the street.

What would the two of them have gotten up to today, had they gone mystery hunting? What secrets would they have uncovered? Enid never used to care about any of that, was scared of it even, but found that she'd slowly become more eager to run into danger if it meant being with her macabre roommate. The thrill that appeared on her face when she found a clue or the satisfaction when she solved part of the puzzle. Enid found herself longing to see those emotions yet again. And if it meant sprinting into potential death to do so, she'd do it without hesitation.

The ticking of that damned clock slowly pulled her out of her daydream. As she looked over, she saw that another half an hour had nearly passed. He'll be here.

So she took out her phone yet again, mindlessly scrolling through fanarts on Tumblr and dumb drama on Twitter before opening Instagram. She felt her heart break as she stared down at the picture in front of her. The first post on her feed was one Ajax Petropolus, posting pictures of himself and a few other stoners playing a video game. She shut the phone off and let it fall on the table as tears began to form in her eyes yet again.

God she was so stupid. Why would he remember this time? It's not like he remembered last time. It's not like she was important enough to be worthy of being remembered. Maybe his friends or that game were just more interesting than her, it would make sense. Her head fell to the table as she let it out. She had believed in him, thought the best of him. God she was an idiot.

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