Wenclair Christmas pt4

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The moment we've all been waiting for...

Wednesday is back in the common room. Enid told her that morning she was glad Wednesday was 'finally taking a stab at being social.' which almost put Wednesday off. Except she's working on a case, so she didn't let it deter her. The last times she'd gone in there for information she'd been roped into eating gingerbread, playing Christmas games and listening to soul sucking Christmas music. Enid even managed to find a black with white fluff christmas hat, placing it on Wednesday's head.

"I had the weirdest dream last night," Ajax mentions as they're all sitting around, somewhat just doing their own thing but all together like last time. Everyone gives him quizzical looks until he speaks. Wednesday stiffens as he continues, "I was back in the common room the night the Christmas tree was stolen. It was like I was reliving the memory. Kind of cool."

Enid's eyes snap to Wednesday's immediately and she frowns in a disappointed way, "Oh, Wednesday."

The others turn to her sharply and Wednesday scowls at Enid.

Bianca looks confused, "Huh? You two know something."

Wednesday sighs. That's how she ends up sharing her new abilities with them all. She explains how she can use intention to either transport people into her memories, or transport herself into other peoples.

"So you crept into our room last night and used your abilities on me?" Ajax shivers but smiles, "That's kind of cool but, like, why?"

Wednesday stiffens. Shit. How's she going to explain without them all finding out that she suspects one of them as the thief? She stutters a few times, unable to form a sentence as everyone stares at her impatiently.

"Who cares," Xavier interrupts, putting Wednesday out of her misery, "Do me next!"

Wednesday rolls her eyes but she's grateful for him unknowingly saving her so she nods. He moves from where he'd been sitting on the floor. She's sitting on the couch so Xavier crouches in the spot at her feet. Getting things over with, she places both hands on his temples.

The memory is feverish and hot. She feels sliding bodies and yearning and anticipation. She can barely focus because of how emotionally fuelled the memory is, drowning her in the overload of senses. Then, she realizes what's happening. She realizes the private memory she's stepped into. She's the only one who can pull them out of the memory so she does, as quickly as she can.

Wednesday blushes deeply. She doesn't ask who the other guy was, she simply tells Xavier, "I'm, erm, happy for you."

Xavier looks as if he might die right there, but he manages to rub his neck sheepishly and reply, "Thanks."

"What was it? Spill!" Bianca cheers.

"Nothing!" Xavier insists, moving back to his art book. Bianca rolls her eyes.

"Me next then!" She decides, crouching where Xavier had just been. Wednesday hesitates. Her ability shouldn't just be some party trick, not to mention she does not want to see another memory like Xaviers. But, then again, this is the perfect way of getting information on the tree without suspicion. The easiest too. Bianca blinks up at her, "I don't have all day, Addams."

So she seeps into each of their memories in turn. Bianca's is a stupid one about studying. Yoko's is about her pouring a glass of fresh blood. Eugenes is of the bees. Ajax has another about Enid which Wednesday cuts shorter than all the rest. Last, it's Enid's turn.

"You don't have to do me if you're tired," Enid offers but Wednesday believes it's only fair if she does Enid as well. Not to mention she'd like to see some of Enid's memories. Maybe...one of Enid's memories will be of her . Wednesday hesitates to touch Enid at first but when she does, she's transported to a memory of the woods.

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