Silent night, cursed night

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Enid spends Christmas with the Addams

BEWARE OF THE THING the sign on the gates that just opened themselves for Enid reads. Enid, of course, has met Thing and knows he is not scary at all, but they could have put up the sign in the same way that you put up "beware of the dog" signs when you have a small schnauzer. In some kind of irony of adorableness.

The young werewolf rings the doorbell, and the door opens after a moment, Lurch huffing as he stares down at her. Enid in her turn looks up, and is amused to see the zombie butler has Christmas lights wrapped around his neck like a scarf.
"Hello, Lurch. Remember me?" she greets him.
He stares, and then huffs something that could sound like Enid's name, and then he proceeds to pick her up and carry her inside the house with him.

"LURCH! PUT! ME! DOWN!" Enid screams, dragging her claws against his arms, the Addams' living room and the various party guests staring at her passing by the wrong side up since Lurch decided to lift her by her feet.
So rude.
"Lurch! What are you doing!? You know very well Enid is our guest, and I am not responsible for what my daughter does to you if you hurt her. Put her down at once", Morticia orders, her flowing, black dress having come into Enid's line of view.
Lurch huffs something.
"In the good chair!" Morticia adds, almost distressed.
"You have a bad chair?" Enid asks.

She is swiftly turned and then placed in a chair, rather forcefully, Enid coming out of the dizziness to see Morticia looking at her, Gomez coming up behind his wife, and all their relatives gathering around her.
"My little death trap will be delighted now! Did you know, Enid, Wednesday spent the entire morning worrying you wouldn't show up!" Gomez declares, clapping his hands together.

Thing comes running up happily, the hand wearing a tiny Santa's hat. He jumps into her lap, and as they touch fingers in a greeting Enid feels a little more comfortable. A creature covered in fur comes up and speaks to her, rapidly in some squeaking language, lifting his hat in a greeting. She doesn't understand, but he does seem really friendly, and Enid shakes his hand.

Morticia and Gomez blend into the crowd, disappearing from Enid's line of sight as they go on to greet more people, and soon Thing runs off to say hello to someone, and Enid is left surrounded by strangers.
"Dreadful Christmas to you!" a man exclaims, startling her as he comes up.
It's a large, bald guy who somehow looks like a baby. Enid recognizes him, and she thinks she recalls knowing he's named Fester-

"You're Wednesday's friend!" Fester continues.
Enid nods.
"Yeah", she says.
"You're a werewolf, right?" Fester continues on.
Enid sighs as she nods.
"I have a question-"

Oh. Oh, no. Not that. Not here. These people are supposed to be the most judgment-free people you'll meet!

"Where does the rest of the Moon go?" Fester asks.
Okay, Enid did not expect that.
"Sorry?" she asks.
Fester moves a little closer.
"Well, you only see the whole Moon once a month. Where does the rest go?" he asks.
He sounds genuinely distressed, and in a really strange way Enid pities him.
"The- The Moon never goes anywhere. We only see some parts of her because of light reflections and planetary rotations, but she's always up there", she explains.

Fester's eyes go wide, like his entire worldview was just changed.
Enid nods.
"Yep. The Moon's not going anywhere", she says.
Fester looks around in excitement.
"Gomez! Gomez, Enid just told me the best thing!" he yells, running off, and Enid follows him with her gaze, getting a glimpse of the staircase as she does.

The world stops around her.

Wednesday still hasn't spotted her, standing at the top of the stairs with a hand on the railing. She looks over the crowd of people below, her black dress embellished with spirals of cobwebs and her hair up in a single braid wrapped around her head. She's absolutely stunning, like always, and as Enid stares Wednesday finally sees her. The bored, almost pained, expression on the black haired's face is swapped with something you might have taken for a smile if you did not know her as her gaze lands on Enid, and then she starts walking, slowly walking down the stairs, Enid rising from the chair and coming up to meet her.

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