Rules (Are Meant to Be Broken)

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Wednesday has a miserable day while on her period. Enid is the only one who can make things okay.

Wednesday had never been fond of rules. There were natural rules, of course, laws of the universe. Those were different, and her family managed to subvert most of them anyway. But man-made rules were inherently flawed, and beyond that, annoying.

Her life had been a mess of rules since she had returned to Nevermore. It seemed the new principal had learned of Wednesday's... adventures from the previous school year. While they had ultimately saved the school, people still acted the same around her.

She wasn't magically a different girl, full to the brim with school spirit and a knack for socializing. No. She was still unashamedly herself. Which meant she was the automatic target of the new principal.

"Oh my god, can he even do this!?" Enid paced around their room, a frustrated growl slipping from her throat.

"He did," Wednesday said from her desk, where she was still staring down at the paper she had been given in the principal's office.

"Since you're such a special student," the man had said to her. Wednesday had noticed how his thumb rubbed over the new officially recorded autism diagnosis on her papers, before he glared down at her disciplinary history, "I've compiled a list of special rules for you." Wednesday had left the office as fast as possible with her new list of rules in hand.

"This is insane, Willa, he can't possibly expect you to not leave the classrooms at all. What if you have to use the bathroom, or you're bleeding or sick? There are no exceptions!"

"I know," Wednesday said, rubbing her temples and looking back down at the warning at the bottom of the paper, which simply read, "I'll be watching you. I'll know if you step out of line." Well. They'd have to see about that.

"So, do you have a plan?" Enid walked over and settled down beside her at the desk, peeking over her shoulder at the paper again.

"Don't get caught?"

"You'd better not. Eugene tracks me down and follows me around whenever you're in detention," Enid put a hand on her shoulder, "you should rip up the list, it's bullshit." Wednesday stiffened slightly at the touch. But it felt nice. Enid's touches always did, unlike everyone else's.

"I never pegged you as the type to actively encourage someone to disobey authority. Particularly if that someone is me."

"I follow fair rules," Enid said, "these are insane, and you're my friend. Of course I don't want you to listen to them."

"Selective rule-following. I must say, it suits you," Wednesday put the paper away, meeting Enid's eyes. They were soft, empathetic, and a little bit crazy all at once. Wednesday liked it when she was mildly unhinged, just like Enid liked it when Wednesday was mildly sociable. The best parts of themselves were rubbing off on the other person. Or the worst, it really depended on one's viewpoint.

Thing crawled onto Wednesday's desk, officially reading the rules himself.

"You are to be in your room when you are not in class and will not leave the classroom between the time your classes start and end. You will sit in sight of teachers in the quad or the library during lunch hour. Furthermore, you are restricted from the more advanced reading offered in the library. You will stay in your room at night and you are never allowed in the woods."

Yeah. The rules definitely weren't going to work long-term.

She'd have to find a way to subtly subvert them, though. She couldn't afford to get expelled. Her only other schooling option was homeschooling, and she would die of boredom in the process. She also did want to face the stinging sadness in her parent's eyes if it came to that.

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