Imperfect day

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Wednesday always knew deep down something would come along that would force her to realize her feelings for her room mate, but she never expected it to be a perky comedy movie

"How do you feel about scary movies?" Tyler asks, almost grinning.
Wednesday doesn't shift the cold expression on her face as he gets the movie running on the screen, to the sound of an ear-shattering pop song.

Something Wednesday imagines Enid would listen to.

Enid, who left their room in tears after Wednesday disregarded her feelings, stomped on her heart when she should have treated it with care.

No, stop it. You are here to not think about Enid, for once. Not that that seems possible.

Things only get worse from there: the main character is a blonde, bubbly girl who loves pink. As the movie progresses, her boyfriend dumps her, and in her mind's eye Wednesday only sees Enid's tear stained face.

Elle gets into Harvard, and Wednesday recognizes the feeling she feels as happiness. Happiness over her success, even though she is a completely fictional person. It's like when Viper finally solves another case, with the difference being that Wednesday isn't controlling the plot of this movie.

Elle arrives at the Harvard campus, and another character introduces herself as Enid.

It's just Wednesday's bloody luck, isn't it? Everything she thought she had buried comes bubbling up, like a person crawling their way up from a grave. Her chest feels like it's imploding, and this type of misery is not even almost enjoyable. Her feelings catch up to her like a heat-seeking missile locked on its target, leaving her with no chance of running.

Everything about this movie, about the stupid Elle Woods, reminds her of Enid, her beloved sunshine wolf who she disregarded, not realizing what she had. Just like Elle's ex did not realize what he had.

"That was torture. Thank you", she says when Tyler gets up to turn the movie off as the end credits roll.
Thank you for opening my eyes to what I truly want.

Tyler returns to her. Stands in front of her.
"I'm just gonna come out and say it, I want us to be more than friends", he says.
"You'll get over it", Wednesday deadpans.
He sighs.
"Don't do that. Don't disregard my feelings", he says.
She says nothing.

He steps closer, his sudden proximity making her skin crawl.
"I want to be with you, Wednesday", he says.
He starts to raise his hand to touch her cheek. She flinches.
"You're making a mistake", she says, voice ice cold.
He smiles. Her stomach turns.
"I'm sure", he says, jokingly, and then he touches her cheek.

He asked for it.

Wednesday glances up at him, lips parting.
"Oh, Tyler...", she starts, voice just above a whisper.
He leans down, closes his eyes.
"...if I'm gonna be on trial as a witch by the time I am 40 I need a life partner who does not completely ignore my boundaries", she says.

She headbutts him, stepping over his unconscious body as she leaves.

Wednesday opens the door to their dorm to the sight of Enid.

The pink-haired girl is arranging her stuffed animals on her bed, her presence there such an unreal thing after their last encounter that it leaves Wednesday standing in the doorway, staring.

"You're back", she says when she remembers how to speak.
"I'm gone for a day, Thing gets stabbed and the place gets thrashed. Someone needs to look after you two", Enid says.
Wednesday steps into the room, slowly.
"Thing said-", she starts.
No, don't do this. Not anymore. She swallows.
"I missed you", she corrects.

Enid's face softens, so much so that she almost looks sad.
"Aw, Wednesday, I missed you too", she says, walking up towards the center of the room.
Wednesday does the same from her side, the two girls approaching each other until they stand face to face, the very center line of the room between them. Enid holds up a roll of black duct tape, and the object is like an instant proof that Wednesday is making the right decision.
"Skip the tape", she says, surprising even herself.

A smile of disbelief spreads across Enid's face.
"Is Wednesday Addams mellowing out?" she asks.
"Never! More like evolving", Wednesday says.
Nodding, Enid returns to her side of the room.
"One inch of duct tape at a time", she says, tossing the tape roll on her bed.

Enid goes back to packing up her things, returning them to their place while Wednesday just watches her, like she is just realizing for the first time how beautiful her roommate is.
"Thing may have snitched about your date with Tyler", Enid says, and those words kills Wednesday's good mood in an instant.
Enid notices, turning around.
"Did it not go well? Did... Did he hurt you?"
Wednesday is quiet. Enid extends her claws.
"Did he hurt you? Because if he did I am ripping his throat out!" the werewolf continues, baring her teeth in a display of aggression Wednesday hasn't seen from her.
A very attractive display.

"Sorry", Enid says, seeming to think she went too far.
"While I sure would have loved to see that, there is no need. If anything, I hurt him", Wednesday says, calmly.
Enid pulls her claws back in, visibly relieved.
"So, you... You don't like him?" she asks, carefully.
Almost nervously.

Sighing, Wednesday starts walking, crossing over to the colorful side of their shared room.
"Our so-called date did get me to realize some things. About who I care about, who I wish to have in my life", she speaks, carefully, still walking as she speaks.
She stops only when she is face to face with Enid, her black heart hammering in a way it hasn't before in her entire life.
"I... I wish to have you in my life, Enid."
Enid stares at her. Wednesday swallows.
"I want to have you as my..."
Enid's eyes start to go wide.
" girlfriend", Wednesday forces herself to finish.

If she did not know better, she would have been sure the Earth itself stops spinning. That time comes to a stop, that Wednesday herself goes spinning into a black hole of panic and terror, that she just leapt out from a ledge over an abyss without a parachute.

She considers running. Cowardly or not, she seriously considers turning and running out the door. If she does, she won't have to face Enid's face as she rejects her.

"Can I kiss you?" Enid asks.

Wednesday blinks. Did she just hallucinate that? Is she going mad? No, Enid really asked that. This is really happening.
"Please", Wednesday says, her voice, in lack of a better word, pathetic.
Enid steps forward and does just that. Takes Wednesday's face so gently in her hands and kisses her.

When she pulls back, she does so slowly, and they keep eye contact.
"...Unless you would prefer a more gender-neutral term", Wednesday says, completely stunned to the point of feeling like an idiot.
Enid giggles.
"No, I would love to be your girlfriend", she says, kissing her again.

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