The indelible mark

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Wednesday hits her head during fencing practice, badly enough to leave her with amnesia, and Enid is left to look after her

They are flying and leaping around each other, Bianca and Wednesday, metallic clashing ringing out across the room whenever their rapiers cross against each other. Enid stands to the side with the rest of the class, following her girlfriend's graceful movements as she charges at Bianca and shields herself from her opponent's attacks.

When Wednesday falls, Enid doesn't really see how it happens. If she trips or if Bianca accidentally knocked her over. Enid just sees her falling, just sees her head hit the floor outside the mat.

The couch raises his arms in the air.
"BREAK! BREAK!" he shouts.
Bianca pulls her mask off.
"You okay, Wednesday?" she asks.
Her smug demeanor instantly crumbles when Wednesday doesn't respond. Doesn't move.
"Wednesday?" she asks.

Enid yells, comes running over, but is stopped by a medic. Held back as her girlfriend's unconscious body is lifted onto a stretcher and wheeled off.
"Wednesday!" she yells again, over the shoulder of the medic holding her back.
"It's okay, miss Sinclair. We will do what we can for your friend", he says.
"She's my girlfriend!" Enid exclaims, unsure at why that matters in this moment.
"Sorry. Girlfriend", the medic corrects himself kindly.

Enid has been sitting on a bench outside the nurse's office for two hours when the nurse finally pops her head out through the door.
"Miss Addams is awake now-", she says.
She starts to say something else, but Enid isn't listening. She hasn't got the time to.

Wednesday is sitting on the furthest of the beds in the infirmary, and the nurse pulls the curtain aside so Enid can see her. She had feared tubes and things, but Wednesday looks fine. She's just sitting there, looking like herself.
"Wednesday, you're okay! I was so-!" Enid starts running up to her, and Wednesday puts her hands up and shoves her back.

Losing her balance, Enid falls right into a trolley of tools, knocking over the trolley as she hits the floor. She quickly scrambles back up to her feet, staring at the girl who is staring at her like she doesn't know her.
"...However, she does seem to have suffered some level of amnesia", the nurse says.
Enid's stomach drops.
"What?" she asks, feeling her stomach dropping.

The nurse nods.
"It's unfortunate, but, the MRI showed that it will most likely only be temporary", she continues.
Enid is so struck with terror she can't even respond right away.
"Are... Are you saying my girlfriend doesn't remember me?" she whispers.
The nurse gives her a sad look over the clipboard.
"I'm sorry, miss Sinclair. If it's any consolation, Weems has dismissed you from attending more classes today. Miss Addams will need your support for her brain to recover quickly", she explains.
Enid nods as she listens, slowly. The nurse sighs, and then turns back to Wednesday.

"Alright, miss Addams. You are free to be discharged, and miss Sinclair will help you to your room", the nurse tells her.
"But I don't know this girl!" Wednesday exclaims, gesturing frantically around herself.
Enid's stomach drop further.
"I know you don't think that you do, but I can promise you that you can trust miss Sinclair. She is your roommate, and she absolutely would never hurt you", the nurse continues.
Wednesday gives Enid a dark look.
"She's blonde", she states.
"And she cares about you. You are going to get along", the nurse says, gently.

The nurse waves Enid off with a gentle pat to her shoulder, and Enid gives her a nod before approaching the bed again.
"I'm sorry for rushing at you like that. I didn't realize you don't remember me", she tells her.
"I don't remember you. I don't think I could ever forget meeting someone like you", Wednesday says, dryly, and it hurts Enid way more than she would ever have liked to admit.
It all takes her back to the conversation they had when Wednesday had just gotten expelled and was packing her things. Wednesday had told her the mark she left on her was indelible, but it now seems that was not true.

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