(Who says) I'm alone

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This was drawn by the one and the only Aeesha04  Show them some support they are amazing and go read their stories they're also just mwah

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This was drawn by the one and the only Aeesha04
Show them some support they are amazing and go read their stories they're also just mwah

Wednesday arrives back for a second semester at Nevermore with a fresh autism diagnosis, only to discover the teacher who has taken so-called Thornhill's position is an ableist (someone who discriminates against people with physical or mental disabilities) , but she also discovers some battles just aren't meant to be fought alone.

From the moment Wednesday first met their new dorm mum, she knew they would not get along.

For a number of reasons, but especially because the first words out of this woman's mouth after greeting her had been "you don't look autistic".

That had just been the start.

It had been a relief to finally get the diagnosis, on dr Kinbott's recommendation, but it's clear that some people read a record of neurodivergency diagnosis as if it just said the person is a menace to society.

Wednesday is that, too, but she doesn't think it's directly tied to the autism.

It's starts with miss Sallie reprimanding her in front of the entire class for having just shouted her answer without raising her hand, while several other students had just done this without getting scolded in any way.
"But-", Wednesday tries protesting, but she is promptly and harshly interrupted:
"Miss Addams, stop it right now. We don't interrupt, and you know this", miss Sallie scolds her.
Anger boils up inside Wednesday.
"You just interrupted me!" she yells, banging her hand on her desk.

Miss Sallie shakes her head, disapproving.
"Stop being childish, miss Addams", she dismisses, going back to teaching, and Wednesday can only ball her fists against her desk.
Enid silently places her hand on top of hers, the pastel claws out, and Wednesday maneges to release some of her tension in a deep breath.

"You okay?" Enid asks as they walk back to their dorm that afternoon.
Wednesday adjusts her back on her shoulder.
"Sure", she says quickly.
"It's alright to be upset. That was totally unfair, what she did", Enid continues.
Wednesday nods, her eyes fixated on the floor, studying the pattern of the boards.

"You should tell Weems, if you want to. I know you find her a pain, but she does want to protect you", Enid says.
Wednesday stops dead in her tracks.
"Weems has enough to worry about", she says.
The principal may be back now, but Wednesday knows very well she is still recovering from the effects of the poison. Wednesday had promised her she would not give her any stress unless it is absolutely necessary, and she does not break her promises.

She can handle this herself.

Like she was conjured from the darkest depths of Hell, miss Sallie is waiting as they turn a corner to their dorm.
"Miss Addams, may I speak to you for a moment?" she asks.
The clicking noise tells Wednesday Enid just took out her claws.
"What for?" the werewolf asks.
"Nothing which concerns you, miss Sinclair."
Anger burns in Wednesday again. Humiliation, almost. She is not a little child or something. She doesn't need watching, and miss Sallie already called her childish. She adjusts her backpack again.
"It's fine. I'll see you in the dorm", she tells Enid.

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