please leave your earphones in so i can confess my love to you

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Wednesday discovers the multiple benefits of owning earphones. Enid makes a bold move.
or: Enid accidentally confesses her feelings to Wednesday when she thinks Wednesday can't hear her.

While Wednesday despised most of the technological advances of the 21st century, especially those concerned with any form of pervasive and, quite frankly also perverse, breach of privacy, she reluctantly found herself growing quite fond of one of her cellular device's rather useful properties:

The ability to listen to music wherever and whenever she wanted to without having to bring along an enormous and plausibly inconvenient device, like her beloved gramophone, to do so.

One day, over the course of their forced early vacation from the Academy – and after an ungodly amount of importunate advertisements, which appeared whenever she so much as opened one of those deplorable apps she had downloaded to her phone, had informed her of the existence of one interesting little accessory with the ability to enhance her music experience to 'new heights' or something equally as misleadingly hyperbolic – she had found herself giving in to her lingering curiosity and had wandered into one of those way too brightly lit electronics stores to look for the advertised additional accessories to her cellular device called earphones.

She had quickly found the displayed array of the sought devices and quickly grew annoyed at the sheer amount of earphones to choose from that clearly indicated that she should have done more extensive research on the topic beforehand.

Knowing the misleading strategies of capitalism, her gut feeling told her that the most expensive device didn't necessarily equal the best performance, so to her utter dismay and regret she had actually found herself asking an inconspicuous store clerk for help about choosing the best performing device from the offered selection.

After she had to curtly shut him down in his meager attempts at mansplaining the ins and outs of the workings of such devices to her multiple times, because she had simply not been in the mood to entertain his futile attempts at getting her interested in him by showcasing his extensive knowledge on the matter, he had finally relented and shut up and just presented her with the earphones of his choice without as much as another word.

It had been a rather pleasant outcome and his despicable mansplaining did at least tell Wednesday that he knew what he was talking about to some extent, and the way she hadn't immediately snapped at him at an intensity that she had used to display rather often in the past also made her feel quite confident that he was not trying to screw her over with his selected option either.

The earphones did come at a rather high price, so she hoped that, in this case, it actually spoke for the superior quality of the device for once.

Later that day, she had made the absolutely horrific realization that the purchase of such earphones appeared to be quite the life changing experience.

The earphones fit very snugly into her ears and appeared to drown out the rest of the world very effectively. Wednesday felt like she had been put into some kind of vacuum or pocket dimension where she wasn't exposed to anything but her own genial thoughts and faint heartbeat pulsing through her veins.

Even without selecting music to play through them she immediately realized their potential for increasing her concentration during highly intellectual tasks – such as her writing.

While usually she preferred to write with some gentle and haunting tunes playing in the background to get her into the mood and zone, she found herself content with the way that an almost impenetrable silence seemed to engulf her.

It was only when she appeared to hit a lull in her writing that she tried to use the earphones for their intended purpose: playing music.

Following Enid's advice after Wednesday had gone through the strenuous task of asking her for her preferred choice of music apps, she selected one of them that she had been recommended and that had promised the best experience for her endeavor, and was pleasantly surprised when what she had assumed to be a rather niche interest in music yielded immediate results on the app.

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