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After Enid's first shift under the blood moon and her hard victory against the hyde, she finds herself bruised and battered. Wednesday helps her sneak back to their dorm so that she can sleep off the pain, only to find that Wednesday's been hiding a surprising hidden talent: Kisses that can heal her wounds and take her pain away.

Enid was exhausted. All her muscles ached, her head felt like it was being cracked open, and she also happened to be bleeding from multiple slash marks scattered across her frame. Blood trickled from the claw marks on her temple and into her eye, making it much too difficult to see where she was going. Thankfully Wednesday was helping her back to their dorm. Wednesday had Enid's arm around her shoulders as Enid tried her best to not put too much weight onto the smaller girl, though she couldn't really carry herself well with the pain that fired up her leg everytime she took a step.

Enid knew Wednesday was shorter than she was, but she hadn't noticed how much smaller the seer was. She was rather petite under her black and bulky outfits, and although surprisingly sturdy, Enid still felt like she would accidentally topple them both over if she leaned in too much.

Wednesday yanked her arm and pulled Enid's center of mass closer to herself. Enid's eyes widened in surprise as she was forced to shift more weight onto the seer's shoulders, but found that despite the strain in Wednesday's furrowed brow, she seemed fully capable of supporting Enid.

Wednesday flashed a quick glare at Enid, "you're light. Don't confuse me for a weakling."

"O-okay," Enid acquiesced and let herself relax, relieving some pressure from her injured leg.

Why was Enid covered in claw marks? Well because she had just finished fighting a hyde, but with her Lycan healing she'd probably be fine by the morning. What was really killing her was the splitting headache and the exhaustion of wolfing out for the first time. Under the light of a blood moon no less, just in time to find Wednesday being attacked and fend off that vile monstrosity so that the seer could get rid of the real problem.

At the time, it felt almost euphoric, her first real shift into a full fledged werewolf. The adrenaline of combat and the excitement of her new capabilities had made her injuries nearly unnoticeable, but now the endorphins were purged from her system and she ached.

The authorities had arrived as well as paramedics for any injured during the attack on Nevermore, but Enid just wanted to lay down and sleep through the next day. Class should be canceled anyway, if not then screw the American education system. Wednesday had helped Enid slip away unnoticed after the chaos. It was pretty easy, most were still in shock after what Miss. Thornhill had caused, so no one bothered to question why Wednesday was carrying a bloody blonde werewolf back to the school.

The walk was slow, Wednesday making sure Enid wouldn't tumble over any steps she struggled seeing, as they made their way up to Ophelia hall. Eventually they made it to their door and Wednesday had to settle Enid against the wall beside it. Enid winced as she shifted her weight onto the soothing cold wall, she had to fight the urge to let herself collapse and sleep right in the middle of the hallway.

Wednesday hissed a whispered swear as she switched to her other hand to open the door, soon it was unlocked and opened before Enid could ask. Wednesday reached out for Enid once more and helped her reach her colorful bed. Enid would eventually mourn her rainbow comforter, knowing she'd leave it covered in blood, but right now all she cared about was that it was soft and comforting.

Once Enid was settled she was met with Wednesday's dark eyes, "wait here." Enid furrowed her brow in curiosity as she watched Wednesday turn and leave the room.

Enid figured it was fair that Wednesday would just get her to her bed and take off. She had other things to worry about Enid supposed, she did just stop some kind of twisted murder mystery wrapped in reanimated pilgrims and hydes. But something was off about the seer, hell she had even let Enid hug her, she even hugged back. Really if half the school wasn't there to see it, she was sure no one would have believed her.

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