The Cellist

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Enid's in love with her best friend. But her best friend will be getting married.
Trust the process y'all

She watched her, all standing tall and smiling widely as she chose the cake for the upcoming event. She watched her being giddy at the choice of cake, red velvet, due to how red is her favorite and her partner can't even say no to what she wanted. She tasted the said confectionary treat and smiled wide, it was indeed good though she preferred if it was the lemon cake among them. But of course, she held her tongue, can't ruin the day of her friend.

Enid Sinclair sighed heavily as she watched her best friend since childhood, Yoko Tanaka, choosing a wedding cake for her fiancée, Divina. Her eyes darted from the different sets of sliced cakes to her beloved friend and Divina, being close and lovey, sharing chaste kisses or Divina squealing at the choices of pastry. She held her fork a bit tighter, running her fingers along her left face up her blonde multicolored dyed hair.

'Maybe it's because of my scars.' Enid mumbled softly; fingers traced the four scars she got after a hiking accident with her family. She was lucky enough to even survive a bear attack, earning only the deep scars instead of meeting her maker—her family made sure to keep an eye on her after that incident during their hikes or camping trips. The blonde took a deep sigh, internally wallowing in pity on how her face was marred and the possibility of looking ugly.

"Awww is the cake not up to your liking, draga mea?"

Enid looked up and blue eyes met with a pair of dark-tinted shades. She forced herself to smile and stuck out her tongue. "If Divina hears you calling me my darling yet again, she will probably feed you garlic rice for breakfast again." She teased her friend, Yoko.

"Ugh, we already talked about how I call my close friends draga mea." Yoko poked Enid's nose, smirking. "I did try it the other language, but you hated it, 円ーちゃん" she snickered seeing her blonde friend puffing her cheek in annoyance.

"First off, I google translated that and I'm not round or a currency, second, I rather just be called something like 'Enid my friend!' or 'my beautiful and amazing friend, Enid!', lastly, I'm the only one you call as draga mea, hence Divina was very suspicious of it when you two started dating!" It was true, of all the friends they have, Yoko only called her draga mea or darling in Romanian. Part of her always smile whenever her friend called her that, it makes her heart soar at the thought of the object of her affection calling her such endearment, but also a part of her felt bad because she knew Yoko doesn't feel the same way.

"So better just call me something less... endearing. Happy wife, happy life, right?" The blonde scooped up some icing from the strawberry cake she was tasting and smeared it on Yoko's nose.

"Hey!" The dark-haired girl pulled off her dark-tinted glasses and took the napkin lying on the table and wiped off the icing from her nose. "Yeah, yeah, fine. Anyway, I was able to hire a wedding planner, her name's Parker and she offered a very nice deal too. Well, it was expensive, but she added that she can pitch in another musician to do the wedding march."

"That's interesting. I thought Ajax would play your wedding march? He was practicing the piano and all that."

"He still is, but this Parker girl offered a cellist to accompany it." Yoko took a bite of the yellowish cake from Enid's plate and winced. "Gaah! For someone who is all rainbow and diabetes-inducing sweet personality, your choice of cake is always suspicious. Goddess, that's a bit on the sour side."

Enid giggled and took a bite of her cake. "It's called Limone Santi, it has a lemon filling. It pairs well with coffee."

"No shit... anyway, Divina said we're going for the red velvet cake, so next be meeting with the wedding planner and then the rehearsal dinner."

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