Old Books, Ink, with a Hint of Arsenic

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Enid was doused with love potion now everyone is in love with her,
saw this idea on Reddit and thought why not

Nevermore Academy has a potions class.

With the new semester up and everyone back in school, Enid hated how she once again needed to attend the class she struggles with. Potions class. It was not the curriculum itself that the Lycan can't handle, it was the smell of the ingredients that makes it hard for her to concentrate.

"Now, what we are going to brew today will be a bit different." The potions instructor placed several ingredients on the table and began preparing them. "Now who can tell me what these ingredients are and what am I about to make?"

Enid tried to smell the scent coming from the instructor's table and she scrunched her nose. Some of them she was familiar with, while some she would rather not know due to how the smell was making her nose hurt. It was at these moments that Enid wanted to have her roommate/crush to be there, but the goth said she already know a lot about potions due to her grandmama.

Wednesday was not there but Bianca Barclay was. The queen bee of Nevermore Academy raised her hand, and the instructor called her to answer.

"Judging on what they look like, they are Ashwinder eggs. Rose thorns, Peppermint, Powdered Moonstone, Pearl Dust, and Rose Petals." Bianca said, earning a thumbs up from the professor.

"Correct miss Barclay. And does anyone know what concoction these ingredients will produce once we combine them all together?"

Nobody answered. Even Bianca.

"Ah such a shame. Let's brew it first and then I'll tell you all what it is." The instructor hummed as the ingredients were prepared and dropped in the small beaker.

The once was transparent in color slowly changed to blue then pink, the dark smoke that came from the large pot slowly turned to pink with a dash of sparkling glitters.

The werewolves in the class all noticed it first as soon as they inhaled the pink smoke. Then next to the others. Some of them sat up straight, some whipped their head up and sniffed the air. Bianca leaned back on her seat; eyes closed with a smile as she smelled the aroma.

Enid though, she has her eyes wide open, and her nails grew out, digging on the table as her canines also made appearance. Her nose could pick it up so easily. She looked around trying to find the source that's so familiar to her that even the wolf within her was pushing her to find it. A low growl escaped her lips as her sights could not find the one person who carried the said scent.

A loud banging on the table caught everyone's attention and the instructor was smiling at everyone. "Now, I can tell that the potion is in effect. Miss Barclay, can you tell me what you can smell right now?"

Bianca snapped out of her stupor and cleared her throat, looking around as if she was wondering where she was. Her sights went back to the instructor and reeled in the question. Smell. She sniffed the scent again and her body just relaxed. "I smell... fresh paint. And strong shampoo. And... the sea."

Some students tilted their heads wondering what Bianca was saying.

"Sea? But I can smell cotton candy!" One student said out loud.

"I smell mud and meat!"

"What are you all saying, it's clearly the smell of coffee!"

The instructor watched everyone say out loud what they smell. Enid on the other hand was still on the edge, glaring at the beaker and this was noticed by the instructor. "Miss Sinclair, care to share what you can smell?"

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